What It Is, Why You Should Worry If You See It in Your Home, Tips for Getting Rid of Smooth Finish

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Silverfish: Why should you worry if you see this insect in your home?Victor Messegel

In recent years, pest infestations have increased silverfishAn agile insect that gets its name from the metallic gray sheen of its body. A detailed understanding of the species, its cycles and lifestyle can lead to a greater chance of treatment success.


It is scientifically known as Lepisma saccharina and has a length of between 10 and 15 mm, Its activities are mainly nocturnal.. It lives in spaces with high humidity such as bathrooms and toilets. It’s more annoying than harmful, although sometimes it can cause damage to food, leading to further problems such as mites or the emergence of new insects.. Therefore, you have to look for quick solutions to end them.

Found almost exclusively in buildings, it requires a minimum temperature of 20° to grow and can live up to seven to eight years. Silverfish are fast runners and are good climbers. They can travel great distances in search of food, and when they find it, they move closer. They spend most of their time hiding within or between food sources.

whitebait They need very small amounts of food. Especially carbohydrates and proteins such as glue, wallpaper, paint, clothing, books, spilled food or dead insects. As a precaution, it is important to check for food residue, keep it in airtight containers, and reduce humidity and repair pipe leaks that are causing high humidity. To properly check, you should check for marks on food, stains, scale or feces, paying special attention to bedrooms, bathrooms, attics, ceilings, garages or insulation.

There are surveillance traps on the market for whitebait, although they also You can make one yourself. To do this we must use glass or glass containers and wrap the outside with tape. We can put a piece of bread at the bottom of the glass. The silverfish will rise but cannot return as the glass is too slippery. It’s best to set traps at night when they are most active.

You might be wondering…if I already have it at home, What do I need to do to remove it? The space in the house where “whitebait” appears must have good and constant ventilation. Avoid prompts that “stay” for too long.

Remedies to avoid pests in your home

  • Check the house’s continued ventilation

  • Avoid moisture, especially in bathrooms.If you have just taken a shower, please open the doors and windows

  • Seal floor cracks in tiles with cement instead of silicone (they eat it and use it as food)

  • Disinfect with bleach or water and ammonia

  • Spray areas where insects are found with ethanol

  • Use boric acid on joints (be careful with this product if you have pets)

  • Diatomaceous Earth: Spread it over the area and when an insect gets close to it, the diatomaceous earth will dry out, killing it

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