What movies and series to watch on August 21 on TV

Every day with an address book In the house CinecittàNews brings you movies and series to watch on TV


Penelope Cruz AND Luana Giuliani are the main characters immensityautobiographical film Emanuele Crialeseon the first tv Sky Cinema One at 9:15 pm (and also at 9:45 pm on Sky Cinema Drama), streaming now and available on demand. Presented at the 2022 Venice Film Festival and awarded a Silver Ribbon for Story, the film is set in 1970s Rome, when a family is falling apart and a little girl is on a quest to find her identity.


In connection with the release on August 23 in Italian cinemas Oppenheimerlong awaited movie Christopher Nolan Sky Cinema, dedicated to the father of the atomic bomb, pays homage to the British director with a week of films through Sunday 27 August. Sky Cinema Collection (Channel 303) has seven titles scheduled, also available on demand and airing now: I remember with Guy Pearce; thriller with Al Pacino, Robin Williams and Hilary Swank Insomnia; trilogy Batman starring Christian Bale; spy thriller with Leonardo DiCaprio Originwho won four Oscars; and finally Interstellar. Tonight at 20:45 Oppenheimer-SpecialNolan will talk about the making of his latest film in an interview with actors Robert Downey Jr., Florence Pugh and Matt Damon.


At 21 Iris (channel 22) Liam Neeson he is an Irish patriot Michael Collins, in Neil Jordan’s 1996 biopic, which follows one of the leading figures in the Irish Revolutionary War. The film won the Golden Lion at the 53rd Venice Film Festival and the main character won the Volpi Cup for Best Actor. Also in the cast are Julia Roberts, Aidan Quinn and Brendan Gleeson.


On Cinema34 at 21 Luc Luchini guides Luca Argentero, Carolina Crescentini, Francesco Montanari AND Gabriella Pessionensemble comedy Newlyweds. Four couples made up of diametrically opposed people have the opportunity in the period leading up to the wedding to discover and deepen their cultural, political and socio-economic differences.


Jocelyn is an incorrigible liar, constantly looking for new women. To win the favor of the beautiful Julie, he pretends to be confined to a wheelchair. Love, however, plays a cruel joke with him. Broadcast on Paradise 1 at 23.30 there is Everyone is standing2018 Franco-Belgian comedy film written, directed and performed by Frank Dubosk. Riccardo Milani filmed a remake in Italy I run to you with Favino and Leone.

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