What muscles does it act on and how?

Today I will introduce to you the Bulgarian squat. It combines the best of traditional squats and lunges.

You can incorporate them into your training without any problem as they are not too difficult and are great for toning the lower body, burning calories and gaining balance.

How to do the Bulgarian Squat?

The only thing necessary to do squats is a bench or similar object. (a chair, a platform, a hanging support…) at knee height.

The starting position is to stand with one leg back so you can rest your toes on the bench.

It is important to keep your torso upright And the legs we stand up slowly are bent. The arms will be close to the body.

Recommendations for performing this type of squat

The most common suggestions include:

– Do not use a bench that is too high.

– The support must be stable, unless you have extensive experience and want to use a surface like bosu.

– Stay upright or lean forward slightly.

– Control every move you make and do it slowly.

– Keep your feet straight, neither outward nor inward.

Another way to do the Bulgarian Squat

Other Ways to Perform the Bulgarian Squat

First, it is recommended to perform Bulgarian Squats without weight.

If you want to increase the intensity of your workout, you can use:

– dumbbel: You hold them with your arms outstretched, as if you were holding nothing.

– Kettlebell or Kettlebell: Same steps as with dumbbells.

– bar: In this case, the barbell is placed on the shoulders. Requires more strength and balance.

Benefits of Bulgarian Squats

  • Burns excess fat: This is an ideal exercise for those who want to lose fat in the upper parts of the legs, such as thighs and buttocks, and is more effective than traditional squats because you can work your hamstrings more intensely. Quads and glutes.
  • Reduce cellulite: In addition to preventing its appearance in the buttocks and legs, it can also build muscle and reduce fat mass.
  • Strengthens and Strengthens the Lower Body: This exercise focuses on this part of the body, primarily the glutes and quadriceps.
  • Increase flexibility: Mobility in the hip area, especially, can help prevent injuries like patellar tendonitis or the famous “runner’s knee.”
  • Strengthen ankle and knee joints, Helps prevent damage to these areas of the body and provides you with greater flexibility and stability.
  • Strengthens the core and the rest of the entire abdominal area: When performing this exercise, abdominal strength is necessary to maintain the stability of the body when bending the knees, so within a short time you will notice the benefits in this part of the body.
  • Improve balancebody coordination and stability because you work your lower body and core at the same time.
  • Increasing muscle strength is already a strenuous endeavor that requires deep development of muscle fiber strength.

What muscles do Bulgarian squats work?

By practicing this exercise, you can Quadriceps, gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and minimus, hamstrings, abductors, calf and buttock muscles. Basically, it involves the entire lower body, making it a very complete leg-building exercise.

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