What organs does cinnamon damage? – finance

Are there any organs that aren’t “Team” Cinnamon? Despite its sweet aroma and possible benefits, overconsumption of this spice can lead to several health problems. health side effects.

Cinnamon is a brown spice characterized by its sweetness and aroma From southern India and Sri Lanka. In Mexican cuisine, it is used to prepare dishes, desserts, and even fresh water, such as horchata.

this ingredient From the tree of the same name It usually comes in two forms: dendritic or powdered.

What does cinnamon do in the body?

In addition to being used in the preparation of dishes, cinnamon is often used as part of home remedies, such as infusions, for The benefits it may have on the body.

in accordance with consumer powerCinnamon is Source of calcium, magnesium and antioxidants. While some point to the spice’s weight-loss benefits, the truth is there’s no evidence that it works for weight loss.

of the website HealthlineSpecializing in health issues, ensuring cinnamon is an ingredient Has many benefits for the body If consumed in moderation, it has: anti-inflammatory properties, lowers blood sugar levels, and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

However, there are Two Main Types of Cinnamon For compounds, the side effects are different:

  • Cassia: It is the most common and cheapest form of cinnamon and contains high levels of the coumarin compound, which can be toxic if consumed in excess.
  • ceylon: Cinnamon containing a small amount of coumarin.

These are some of the organs affected Over spending Cinnamon.

liver damage

One of the organs most affected by overconsumption of cinnamon is the liver, which is part of the digestive system. The person responsible for filtering the blood.

The platform’s Healthline pointed out that due to its high level coumarincassia cinnamon can cause liver damage and other liver problems.

also, Online MD ensure consumption Cinnamon with high coumarin content It can also poison the liver.

Oral ulcers

according to HealthlineGenerally speaking, cinnamon contains a compound called cinnamaldehyde, and excessive consumption can cause ulcer in the mouth.

The Cleveland Clinic comments that mouth ulcers they are a sore They form on the gums, lips, and even the tongue.

Throat irritation

Although cinnamon is commonly consumed in infusions or food, some people They eat it raw, That is, in powder or twigs.

Portal Healthline Point out that this is not a recommended practice because consuming large amounts of raw cinnamon can Irritating to throat.

lung problems

Raw cinnamon or ground cinnamon is also available Affects the lungsthe organ responsible for obtaining oxygen from the air.

Healthline Reviews say that raw cinnamon can irritate the lungs and increase the risk of lung inflammation, which can lead to pneumonia.

neurological complications

One of the side effects of excessive cinnamon consumption is a decrease in blood sugar levels to levels that may affect the function of different organs. systems in the body.

according to Healthlinelow blood sugar levels mainly affect nervous system And produce dizziness, headache, weakness and other uncomfortable symptoms.


According to the website mayo clinicwhen blood sugar levels are lower than average, a condition called hypoglycemia may occur, which produce headachefatigue, dizziness, etc.

Healthline People with hypoglycemia or diabetes are advised to consult a specialist before consuming cinnamon Hypoglycemia will not occur.

How much cinnamon should I eat?

best try Avoid excessive consumption of cinnamon Due to its high coumarin content and its side effects on the body.

If you consume cassia seeds, this website Healthline Young people are advised not to consume more than one tablespoon of this type of cinnamon avoid problems It is produced in the body.

Online MD He commented that more research is currently needed to fully determine the effects and benefits of cinnamon.Some experts pointed out that consumption should be controlled within Less than two tablespoons.

Likewise, the website states that there are People to avoid People who consume spices include: minors, people taking medications for diabetes, heart or liver disease, pregnant women, and those who are breastfeeding.

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