What tea can fight the flu and help with weight loss, according to Harvard University?

Over the years, people have recommended to us different products to achieve health, and on this premise, experts from all over the world Harvard University A study was conducted to find out What tea can fight the flu and help with weight loss?. It is an infusion from a tropical plant in Africa, but is grown throughout the world.

this Tea recommended Harvard Universitywhich can be taken hot or cold, In a publication published by the National Library of Medicine, they announced Nutritional, cosmetic and medicinal properties The herbs in question.Furthermore, they ensure Prevent chronic non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular, respiratory, diabetes, kidney disease and cancer. I know what it’s about.

What tea does Harvard recommend for treating the flu and losing weight?

According to information provided by the agency Harvard University Recommended tea Hibiscus as a means Fights the flu and aids in weight loss Because of its effect on the digestive system. Research shows that hibiscus’ antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties make it an ideal ally in the fight against the flu virus. Additionally, due to the improvement in metabolism, it makes it a valuable addition to a weight loss diet.


What are the benefits of hibiscus tea?

According to Harvard University, the benefits of hibiscus tea are:

  • Since it provides a large amount of iron to the body, it helps in fighting anemia.
  • It contains high levels of ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, which fights the flu and helps the immune system.
  • Antioxidants such as anthocyanins and flavonoids prevent skin aging.
  • It contains properties that act directly on the intestines and at a diuretic level. May improve control of fat production and weight in the body.
  • It effectively fights bad cholesterol thanks to anthocyanins, the compounds that give hibiscus tea its red color.
  • It is ideal for people with type 2 diabetes, as drinking hibiscus tea can lower blood sugar.
  • Due to its antioxidant content, it may have liver protective effects.
  • It can help reduce the negative effects caused by menstruation because it regulates estrogen levels.
  • It has no narcotic or sedative effects, but does have natural anxiolytic effects due to its ability to regulate estrogen.

How to Prepare Hibiscus Tea

hot tea

I followed these steps:

  • I dipped in two tablespoons of calyx Hibiscus exist 200 ml boiling water.
  • give it a rest 5 to 10 minutes Then remove the calyx.
  • You can sweeten it with honey, stevia or sugar, or even add a slice of lime, cinnamon or mint.

cold tea

  • they will be used 3 tablespoons Calyx number Hibiscus.
  • put them in cold water and leave in the refrigerator 4 hours and 10 hours.
  • You can sweeten it with honey, stevia or sugar, or even add a slice of lime, cinnamon or mint.

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