What to know about the disease

Rapid evolution of bacterial infections Streptococcus pyogenes, Invasive diseases caused in recent years have attracted great attention Ministry of Health. So far, there have been 487 confirmed cases, 78 deathsleading authorities to investigate the cause of this worrying increase.

However, this concern is also global, so New York State Department of Health Created a Basic guide and Key questions to understand the nature of this bacterium, The aggressive diseases it can cause and who it affects.

What is Streptococcus pyogenes?

he Streptococcus pyogenes, Also known as group A, they are bacteria commonly found in the throat and skin.Although most infections, such as strep throat and impetigo, are mild, sometimes May cause more serious illnesssuch as necrotizing fasciitis and streptococcal toxic shock syndrome.

How is group A strep spread?

this spread happens because Direct contact with nasal or throat secretions From infected people, especially if they have infected skin lesions. Asymptomatic carriers are less contagious and appropriate antibiotic treatment can eliminate the possibility of contagion.

What is Group A Invasive Disease?

Invasive disease involves severe infection, such as bacteria that invade the blood, deep muscle or fat tissue.able leading to fatal situation Examples include necrotizing fasciitis and strep toxic shock syndrome.

What is the incidence of invasive group A streptococcal disease?

Per year, U.S. reports 10,000 to 15,000 cases, resulting in the deaths of more than 2,000 people. Necrotizing fasciitis and strep toxic shock syndrome are less common but more deadly.

Who is most at risk for invasive group A streptococcal disease?

this people with chronic diseases and those using drugs like steroids face higher risks. Skin wounds, such as those caused by surgery or chickenpox, can also increase vulnerability.

Can invasive group A strep throat be treated?

Yes, Used with antibiotics such as penicillin. Early treatment is crucial and can reduce the risk of death.

How to prevent invasive group A strep infection?

Prevention includesgood hand washing habits, Consult your doctor if you have a sore throat, especially after coughing or sneezing. Infected people should avoid going to work or school until they have been treated with antibiotics for 24 hours.

What are the early symptoms of necrotizing fasciitis and strep toxic shock syndrome?

Initial symptoms include fever, pain sharp, inflammation and redness in the wound area. Strep toxic shock syndrome may present with fever, dizziness, confusion, low blood pressure, rash, and abdominal pain.

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