What will happen to my body if I take oregano and cinnamon?

In ancient times, the elders of the tribe. And, not too long ago, grandmothers had the wisdom to indicate what natural resources they had. Healing power to treat different types of diseases.

Even today, many people retain this information, either because of family tradition or because the tendency to pursue a healthier life has led them to delve deeper into the universe Medicinal plants.

The choices are so numerous and varied that there are hundreds of manuals describing the use and application of herbs as natural remedies.here we tell you The Benefits of Combining Oregano and Cinnamon.

Oregano and Cinnamon Benefits

Plant or herbal infusions contain many compounds that are beneficial to our bodies. But why are oregano and cinnamon so powerful?

Both ingredients have many natural properties that enhance each other. According to the Semana portal, they contain antioxidants such as flavonoids and polyphenols, a type of antioxidant. Phytonutrients Helps reduce bad cholesterol in the blood.

They combat the negative effects of free radicals in cells, helping to delay premature aging and even prevent serious diseases, such as cancer or alzheimer’s diseaseAs many scientific studies have concluded.

What happens if I take oregano and cinnamon? As an infusion, it has health-care properties. Photo: Shutterstock.What happens if I take oregano and cinnamon? As an infusion, it has health-care properties. Photo: Shutterstock.

Additionally, these spices contain coumarin, a natural compound, which makes them powerful anticoagulants. As shown on the University of Seville website, they have further specific properties due to their richness in mucus, a plant substance with a wide range of therapeutic value, related to digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular and skin pathologies.

Take oregano, for example. Oregano is an aromatic that can be used dry but also fresh in many cooking recipes. It is also rich in vitamins (A, C, E and K), Minerals (Iron, potassium, calcium), and contains fiber, according to the Un Como portal.

as infusion, this spice is often used to treat digestive discomfort (stomach pain, intestinal cramps, or constipation) and has diuretic and relaxing effects (helping manage stress and anxiety).Many experts say that by improving blood circulation For menstrual problems.

The power of oregano and cinnamon. They contain minerals that are beneficial to the body. Photo: Shutterstock.The power of oregano and cinnamon. They contain minerals that are beneficial to the body. Photo: Shutterstock.

Refers Cinnamonfrom the cinnamon tree (Cinnamomum zeylanicum or verum), due to its sweetness and special flavor, it is used in powder or twigs to flavor foods, and also has Has multiple benefits for the body.

from A healthier website They emphasize that in addition to its antioxidant properties, consuming cinnamon is beneficial for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. As an infusion, it helps relieve menstrual pain and also contains magnesium, zinc, and iodine. Promote brain health.

Oregano Cinnamon Tea

  • 1 tablespoon oregano
  • One or two cinnamon sticks
  • 250 to 300 ml water
  • Appropriate amount of honey
Oregano and cinnamon tea. Honey has added antibacterial properties. Photo: Clarins.Oregano and cinnamon tea. Honey has added antibacterial properties. Photo: Clarins.

How is it prepared

  1. Put the water in a small container and heat it. Once boiling, add the oregano and cinnamon and cook for a few more minutes.
  2. Turn off the heat and remove. Cover to allow the flavors to concentrate and cool.
  3. Strain, add honey (appropriate amount) and drink!

who should avoid them

While oregano and cinnamon are natural supplements that are very effective in treating disease and preventing pathology, they do not have the ability to cure disease by themselves. Furthermore, it is recommended to consume them responsibly and not in excess to avoid health complications.

Oregano and cinnamon. Like other herbs, they are not recommended for use during pregnancy. Photo: Clarins Archives.Oregano and cinnamon. Like other herbs, they are not recommended for use during pregnancy. Photo: Clarins Archives.

If you have any questions, especially if you have a pre-existing disease or disorder, always consult a trusted physician.

They warn on the Gastrolab website that despite its benefits, there may be some contraindications to drinking oregano cinnamon tea in the following situations: pregnant and breastfeeding women, people with epilepsy and other neurological disorders, People with liver disease. People with irritable colon, ulcerative colitis or chronic gastritis, people with diabetes, people with allergies, and children under 12 years of age.

For their part, professionals at the Mayo Clinic don’t recommend consuming cinnamon to lower high cholesterol because there isn’t enough scientific evidence to confirm it.In this case they recommend a change habits: Avoid excess weight and saturated fat, reduce red meat intake, and include more fruits and vegetables in your diet.

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