What you should know about the flu

this influenza it is respiratory viruses Infectious disease experts explain that it is divided into three types (A, B, and C), of which A is the most common, is closely related to pneumonia, and is therefore the most dangerous. Fernando Solerwhen he introduced the plan Sun rise of Video TV.

this Influenza AEpidemiologists claim that can affect “Nose, throat, pharynx and bronchi“, finally triggering a pneumoniaThe main symptoms are therefore fever and muscle pain, he added.

Like most respiratory illnesses, influenza It spreads for two reasons: The first one is passed “respiratory dropsThis happens when people are talking to each other less than a meter apart; while the second one is when you have Contact with contaminated surfaces They put their hands on their faces.

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Experts explain People often confuse flu symptoms with other respiratory illnesses, such as Covid-19, so he explained their differences, with incubation time being the most prominent.Although the virus SARS-CoV-2 The incubation period is 12 to 14 daysthe cycle of influenza is 2 days.

The reality is that it is difficult to distinguish one condition from another in terms of symptoms, however, Lack of sense of smell and taste They can serve as indicators of Covid-19, while influenza has muscle symptomsChills and fever, experts say.

On the other hand, although influenza and COVID-19 Attack the respiratory systemGenetically, they are very different, Soler reports, so improper care for both conditions can be fatal to patients.

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As for treatthe first thing is maintenance care at home: Feeding and watering, but in some cases Oseltamivir (commonly known as Tamiflu), so obese patients and people under two years old, Immunosuppressive anyone elderly They are often candidates for taking this drug.

Fortunately, he explained, the flu can be prevented This is thanks to the use of the quadrivalent vaccine, which is updated year after year.

Artificial Intelligence Health Center

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