When and who must go?

The campaign to protect people from both viruses is already underway in residential areas and will start in a few days for other citizens as well.The health sector expects to vaccinate at least 89,000 people

September 30, 2023 . Updated at 05:00 AM

he Selgas Already started This year’s flu vaccination campaignAgain, this is done in conjunction with covid. Currently, vaccinations are only taking place in nursing homes. But in a few days, much of the event will be released. What will happen? Hospitals and health centers will be involved, and so-called vaccination sites – large sites for mass vaccination – will also be revived.in the case ofHealthcare area of ​​Pontevedra and O Salnstwo will be reference points: in the capital of Railay Mass vaccination will again take place at the Xunta building in Campolongo And in The reference for Vilagarca will be the Fexdega Pavilion. Next, we explain how the campaign will be implemented in the health districts of Pontevedra and Osalons, where at least 89,000 people (that is, the population over 60 years old) are expected to be vaccinated.

Are flu and COVID vaccination campaigns ongoing?

Yes, but currently only in Residential aldult. In the health sector, a combined influenza and coronavirus vaccination is being carried out in 15 residences in the Pontevedra area and eight in Osalons.Overall, plan to invest some 1,400 doses. Currently, more than 90% of residents are receiving both vaccines.

Who is the next target group?

Starting October 9, health district nursing teams will begin traveling to patients’ homes People over 80 years old with limited mobility Give them both vaccines at home as well. On October 16, the campaign will take a new step, when senior citizens aged 80 years or older will begin receiving vaccines at health centers.. In this case, they do not have to wait for vaccination centers to open, but can receive corresponding doses of flu and COVID-19 vaccines at clinics. They don’t have to make an appointment, they’ll receive a text letting them know the time. In the health sector, these messages are expected to arrive starting from October 11th. If you haven’t received one and are in that age group, you can call and make an appointment. Likewise, Selgas insists that if you’re unable to attend at that time, you should call or go to a clinic to reschedule and get vaccinated.

So children, who should be vaccinated where?

return Childhood vaccinations will begin on October 16. In this case, only influenza is regulated, not coronavirus. Only children aged 6 to 59 months (i.e. under 5 years old) are vaccinated. Families must make an appointment to receive the vaccine. Children ages 5 to 18 who have been receiving long-term treatment with acetylsalicylic acid or who have dangerous medical conditions will also receive the vaccine.

When will Empty Nest reopen?

The final step in the joint influenza and COVID-19 campaign will be the reopening of vaccination centres; one scenario Expected to be around October 26th. In Pontevedra, the opening will take place at the Campolongo Administration Building, while in O Salns it will be at the Fexdega de Vilagarca Pavilion. They plan to vaccinate people between the ages of 60 and 80 against both viruses. In this case, you do not have to make an appointment either, as you will receive an SMS approving the appointment. If you do not arrive or are unable to leave at that time, you must contact Sergas to come back another day. Silvia Amoedo, deputy director of nursing for the Pontevedra and Osarnes health district, noted that details are being finalized so that the Campolongo vaccination center will have the same parking facilities as before , there will be no problem for people with limited mobility to get there. It’s unclear whether vaccine reopenings will last long. The flu campaign does not end until December 31, 2023, but large venues may close earlier. In addition to the elderly over 60 years of age, dual protection is also recommended for high-risk minors of this age, caregivers of elderly people or certain groups such as those working on pig and poultry farms. As in previous years, health and social hygiene workers and members of the national security forces are also among those scheduled to receive the vaccine.

Should pregnant women get vaccinated? If vaccinated, where?

S. Pregnant women also enter the target group Flu and COVID vaccines. It is recommended that they be placed during any trimester of pregnancy and during the first six months postpartum. In this case, they must make an appointment at their health center.

All smokers are vaccinated this year, where and how?

The flu campaign in Galicia introduced a novelty in that all smokers were included in the target group. In this case, they would have to contact Selgas to be summoned. Silvia AmoedoThe region’s deputy director of nursing said: Tobacco affects the lungs, making smokers more susceptible, so it’s important to get vaccinated.

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