When does the flu vaccine take effect?

On October 16, 2023, a man received influenza and COVID-19 vaccines at a medical center in Seville. October 16, 2023 in Seville (Andalusia, Spain). Andalusia begins the second phase of influenza and coronavirus vaccinations. People over 70, children six months or older, adults with high-risk medical conditions, highly dependent people and their professional caregivers, and pregnant women will be able to receive both vaccines. Health Rocío Ruz – Europa Press

Spanish hospitals have seen an increased influx of flu, COVID-19 and bronchiolitis patients since Christmas Eve. This year, respiratory virus season has had a bigger impact. Experts attribute this to year-end celebrations and reduced social distancing in the wake of the pandemic. Although the peak of infections is not expected until the end of this month, positivity rates have already risen.

In response to this situation, the health department has strengthened vaccination campaign. In addition, the arrival of cold temperatures will create greater demand for rapid pharmacy testing, capable of detecting influenza A, influenza B, respiratory syncytial virus and coronavirus simultaneously. The tests have now been approved by the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Healthcare Products.

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The effectiveness of a flu vaccine depends on factors such as the age and health of the recipient, as well as the correspondence between the strains of virus in circulation and those used in vaccine production. However, vaccination can lessen the severity of symptoms when infected and help reduce virus-related hospitalizations and deaths.

The Ministry of Health stated that approx. Two weeks after administration Vaccine, thereby forming complete immune protection. This window leaves a window in which an individual can still get the flu even immediately after vaccination.

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Each year, experts at World Health Organization (WHO) collaborating centers analyze data from the Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System. These studies are the basis for determining the most effective vaccine ingredients for each season so that they can be adapted to specific immunization needs each year.

The flu usually comes on suddenly and may include the following symptoms:

  • Fever (usually very high)
  • Headache
  • extreme fatigue
  • dry cough
  • sore throat
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Muscle pain
  • Stomach symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may occur in children but rarely in adults.

The flu is usually more severe than a cold, with symptoms such as fever, body aches, extreme tiredness and a dry cough more common and severe. Colds tend to develop gradually, whereas flu tends to occur suddenly.

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