When drug marketing

Pfizer resumes communication with an ad featuring Lady Gaga. This is how the new CMO of the pharmaceutical company Panayiotou focuses on communication closer to the big brands

in america, they call it telehealth, At first glance, this might seem like one of those useless channels dedicated to teleshopping, but it’s far from it. Nothing to do with luxury mattresses, carpets or paintings: instead we are talking about a real online medicine service, a digital counter that allows the patient to consult a doctor. Here, this practice is not so widespread, even though 80% of Italians prefer to seek treatment by looking up information online before visiting specialists.

trend awareness

call her telehealth, Call it doubt or just fear of the doctor, it doesn’t matter: the fact is that medicine is also moving online – but not to the point of changing tickets and endless queues at the emergency room. And pfizer (yes, the one with the vaccine) That’s right.

One question a day keeps the doctor away

Who said a pharmaceutical company can’t advertise like any other brand? Unfortunately, Italian law. Without going into details, the advertising of medicines in Italy is quite tightly regulated. Caveat: This doesn’t mean that advertising drugs is forbidden (although it would be a better world without some jingles and the impossible branding of pharmacies), but there are a number of limits on what can be said or shown in an ad.

And if a single word in Italy can compromise a pharmaceutical ad, let alone in America. pfizer could not start A collaboration with Lady Gaga to talk about migraines, Yes, that’s exactly what happened: Lady Gaga witnesses it NoortekThe drug of the famous pharmaceutical company against migraine – from which the singer has been suffering for years.

Lady Gaga for Noortec ODT.

Even though the collaboration was not particularly appreciated, Pfizer with Lady Gaga has embarked on a strategy unknown by pharmaceutical companies: branding (well done) and openness to marketing.

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a drug is born

No, putting Lady Gaga in a drug ad wasn’t an outlandish idea. if ever, it’s a well organized strategybecause Pfizer had already selected john legend As a testimonial to the famous vaccine, in an ad where the singer proudly displays the plaster of the second dose to the room – singing a half-jingle which, if he had decided to end it, would have been the most lauded ever in the history of pharmaceuticals hota jingles

John Legend singing half the jingle for Pfizer.

Perhaps the third name in this story after John Legend and Lady Gaga would seem incongruous, but unknown drew panayiotou One feature is: Pfizer’s first CMO is, Panayiotou’s role is certainly unusual for a pharmaceutical company, but it says a lot about Pfizer’s new strategy: Run campaigns like big brandsExtraordinary ads include extraordinary testimonials.

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No, no teleshopping, luxury paintings or expensive carpets. But if the future of medicine is digital, then telehealth, it would be appropriate to turn on the screen and watch some Pfizer commercials. Perhaps, for the first time in the history of pharmaceutical advertising, you won’t need anesthetics to tolerate some commercials.

See you again soon!

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