When is pneumonia serious?

this pneumonia Is a Infect Inflammation of one or both lungs.There are many bacteria that can cause it, and most are bacteria anyone Virus Those in the air.

Fatigue, fever, chills, chest pain when breathing or coughing, coughing up phlegm… These signs can alert you to the onset of pneumonia.

Prompt detection is important to avoid complications, since statistically, pneumonia is Ranked 10th among the most common causes of death in Spain One in five people with this disease must Enter the hospital receive treatment.

The issue is, Sometimes symptoms are nonspecific and related to typical cold or flu.

what is pneumonia

When pneumonia occurs Inflammation of lung tissue due to infection.

due to inflammation, Oxygen does not enter the blood properly, Symptoms such as fatigue appear, and breathing becomes difficult or even painful.In addition, pneumonia can also cause Fatigue, malaise, fever, chills, and cough (With mucus).

How to judge whether pneumonia is complicated

pneumonia is Infections that are putting more people in hospital, Considering many of these incomes, About 10% of people end up in the intensive care unit due to complications.

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