When the weather gets colder, here’s how to prevent the common cold

When the cold season arrives and temperatures drop, the spread of viruses that cause the common cold also increases as weather conditions favor the spread of viruses. In view of this, it is necessary to take precautions and antibiotics should not be taken unless prescribed by a doctor because these drugs can only fight bacterial infections but not viruses, so the misuse of antibiotics can lead to a growing problem of drug resistance.

To avoid contagion, there are some preventive measures we can take: wash our hands frequently; avoid touching our mouth, nose, or eyes with dirty hands or after handling foreign objects; keep our personal devices (such as mobile phones) or work equipment clean; ventilate our spaces, especially Be in crowded places; avoid contact with infected or symptomatic people; and protect others if you notice any signs of a cold.

If you still have a cold, there are steps we can take to improve our health, such as eating a balanced diet, drinking plenty of fluids, resting, taking painkillers and anti-inflammatories on a regular basis, avoiding self-medication with antibiotics, not smoking, washing your nose with a saline solution, and using a nasal decongestant Do not overdose. Likewise, it must be taken into account that these viruses change their characteristics with each new season, making it difficult for the body to acquire permanent immunity against them.

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