Which one is suitable for colds?

this Probiotics and Prebiotics They are of two types tonic They have different functions in the body and are not directly related to the treatment of colds, but the consumption of both is necessary for good health, especially intestinal health.

As for Probiotics, yes microorganism Usually beneficial live bacteria found in fermented foods, e.g. yogurt Or also in supplement form.These microorganisms help maintain A healthy balance of gut microbiota and improve digestive health. This means it has a positive effect on the immune system, but it’s also not considered a direct solution to fighting the common cold.

on the other hand, Prebiotics is matter indigestible act as food for beneficial bacteria what is in here intestinal Helps maintain the balance of intestinal flora and therefore aids in healthy digestion, plus they are specifically used to treat colds. From this point of view, prebiotics and probiotics complement each other, so it is necessary to consume them at the same time.

Probiotics stimulate defense

Probiotics themselves have no direct effect on colds, but they do help stimulate defenses.doctor Zhang Hong There was a study done in 2018 where they were able to show that the basis for taking probiotics is Lactobacilli It helps prevent colds and relieves symptoms, avoiding uncomfortable sneezing, congestion and coughing, and other cold symptoms.

This is because bacteria Probiotics were able Stimulate for us defensespecifically acting on Lymphocytes Once activated, Th1 is able to destroy pathogenic microorganisms, activate other defense cells, such as macrophages, eliminate infected cells and repair them cloth damaged during infection.

This way, cold symptoms will be less severe, you’ll be less likely to catch a cold than usual, and your symptoms and discomfort will be less intense. Even so, there’s still a lot to investigate.

Foods containing probiotics

The most important things to do when treating a cold are rest, staying hydrated, eating a balanced, nutrient-rich diet, and practicing good personal hygiene to prevent the spread of infection. A lack of probiotics can damage your gut flora, causing bloating, gas, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain and other lower abdominal symptoms.

One way to get probiotics and their benefits is through food. We consume many of these products almost every day. record:

  1. Natural yogurt. It is a major source of probiotics and also contains high calcium content.
  2. Kefir. It is a fermented product with yeast and bacteria What to eat on a high protein diet.
  3. Fermented milk. It is the basis for making yogurt, so it is also a source of probiotics.
  4. apple. it contains some 100000000 of bacteria in a healthy way with Gut flora.
  5. garlic. It is a food that helps probiotics grow Gut flora.
  6. orange. In addition to being rich in vitamin C, flavonoids, potassium and fiber, it also has probiotic properties.
  7. dark chocolate. he cocoa Dark chocolate contains ingredients that are very beneficial to your health Gut bacteria.
  8. cheese. Cabrales, feta, Roquefort, mozzarella or Parmesan are the foods with the highest probiotic content.
  9. Pineapple. Known for its diuretic properties, it is rich in vitamins and minerals as well as probiotics.
  10. strawberry. Generally speaking, red fruits are probiotic foods, so you can include them in your diet as well.

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