Which vitamin causes headaches, brittle bones, and diarrhea?

Vitamin Supplements (ShutterStock).

this Vitamin A anyone Retinol It is a key organic substance for human development. Specifically, it is essential for the proper functioning of light-sensitive nerve cells, the growth and development of bones, and maintaining the health of the lungs, intestines, and urinary tract.Fortunately, if you take a balanced diet, reaching recommended levels of vitamin A is relatively easy because it is found in a variety of foods.However, problems can arise when excessive amounts are taken, which is Supplements.

As pointed out by the University Clinic of Navarra, liver (mainly fish) is the food with the highest vitamin A content: 13,540 micrograms per 100 grams of edible portion of the product.they follow him Foie gras and patz (8,300), radish (1.333), Radish greens and Nesas (1,000), eels and eels (1,000) and spinach (942).

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As for supplements and medications, supplements and medications containing this vitamin are often used to treat severe acnepsoriasis, macular degeneration It has been linked to aging, measles in children, and vitamin A deficiency leading to anemia and dry eye syndrome.Additionally, it is used cream Reduce wrinkles, spots, acne and other skin problems.

The Mayo Clinic’s recommended daily intake is 900 micrograms (mcg) for adult men and 700 micrograms (mcg) for women.Likewise, they warn those who regularly take these supplements because they claim Antioxidant effect: “It is unclear whether vitamin A supplements have the same benefits as antioxidants found naturally in foods.”

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In this sense, family physician Larry E. Johnson explains in the MSD Handbook, a professional reference document for health professionals, that excess vitamin A mainly causes hair loss, chapped lips, dry skin, weak bones, Headacheincreased blood calcium concentration and Idiopathic intracranial hypertension. The latter condition can cause daily headaches, nausea, double or blurred vision, and ringing in the ears (also called ringing in the ears or tinnitus).

On the other hand, the Mayo Clinic details the long-term side effects of consuming more than 10,000 micrograms per day, with the following differences:

  • liver damage.
  • diarrhea.
  • Joint and bone pain.
  • Congenital defects.

For congenital defects, it is important pregnant Check with your doctor before taking such supplements, as multiple studies have linked pregnancy and the vitamin to this supplement.

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Recommendations from the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (ASEAN) Daily vitamin A intake is 1,000 micrograms for men and 800 micrograms for women, but the average intake is lower in both cases.

As the Ministry of Health and AESAN explain in the report “Nutritional Assessment of the Spanish Diet”, the average intake of men in our country is 747.48 micrograms per day, while the intake of women is 722.52 micrograms.

also, Egg and its derivatives are the products that provide the most vitamin A (accounting for 26% of the total), followed by vegetable, vegetable and derivatives (22%) and dairy (14%).

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