Who and where can receive doses

The Ministry of Health and Sports reports that starting on Monday, a flu vaccination campaign will begin for the following groups:

  • Children 6 to 24 months old
  • Pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy
  • Postpartum women within 10 days after delivery
  • Adults over 65 years of age.

Under 64 years old Have any of the following conditions
Influenza vaccination guide, show medical certificate or
Documentation to support the above diagnostics.

The goal of influenza vaccination is to reduce complications in the above-mentioned most at-risk groups and thereby avoid
hospitalization and reduced influenza mortality.

Flu vaccine It does not prevent colds, catarrh, pharyngitis, or influenza-like syndrome but, as noted above, is intended to reduce the likelihood of serious complications in high-risk groups.

Other vaccines

There are different viruses and bacteria that are spread through the respiratory tract, and there are vaccines to mitigate the complications they can cause, such as:

COVID-19 vaccine: Booster injections are recommended every 6 months
Immunosuppressed persons of any age over 50 years of age, and
Dosage per pregnancy. No doctor’s order is required.

Respiratory syncytial virus vaccine: For pregnant women
32 and 36 weeks gestation, aiming to pass
Transplanting babies with antibodies against syncytial viruses (defense)
Respiratory tract, causing respiratory infections such as bronchiolitis
Especially in the first 6 months of life. No doctor’s order is required.

Cell-free triple bacterial vaccine: Suitable for pregnant women over 20 years old
How many weeks into your pregnancy are you aiming to protect your newborn from coughing?
convulsions or coqueluche. No doctor’s order is required.

Pneumococcal vaccine: For people over 65 and under 64
Certain related medical conditions require medical certificate. To clarify, the pneumococcal vaccine is different from the flu vaccine and should not be given every year.

“It is important not to miss the opportunity to be vaccinated in order to obtain adequate protection during the months when the virus is most transmitted (winter), thus minimizing the risk of complications,” the ministry said.

Where to get vaccinated

In addition to the vaccines listed above, influenza vaccines are also available at health centers and public hospital vaccination centres.

With the exception of central vaccination centres, participation is free and compulsory for the above groups.

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