Who are the most famous vegan stars. video

There are many celebrities who have adopted the lifestyle vegetable. Singers, stylists, actors and directors have chosen to be vegans for different reasons. Not only for the sake of personal health, but also for other important reasons. For example, animal rights and climate change. From Billie Eilish To Demmy MoorPassing by Jessica Chastain and Ellen Pompeo, here is a list of stars who have opted for the diet. 100% green.

Vegan celebrities

Natalie Portman she was a vegetarian for twenty years before becoming a vegan after reading a book by Jonathan Safran Foer. If Nothing Matters (Animal Food). The actress has talked about this many times. witness the killing of an animal as a child on the farm. The episode that determined his whole future life.

Billie Eilish: ethically vegan since age 12, singer Bad guy often encourages fans during his concerts to approach the vegan philosophy of life. Grew up in one vegetarian familydecided to go vegan after watching a few intensive farming.

Ariana Grande: An Italian by birth and raised on her mother’s meat and cheese dishes, the singer has been a vegan since 2013. The choice is dictated by her huge love to the animals.

The most beautiful vegans in the world

Demmy Moor: What is the secret of the amazing shape of the 60-year-old actress? Yoga, Pilates and lots of exercise. But above all strict raw food, vegan diet. He also follows the same diet Lenny Kravitz: There are only fruits and vegetables in her refrigerator. The 59-year-old singer and musician was also voted the most beautiful vegan woman in the world in 2022.

There are those who convinced the rest of the family.

Ellen Pompeo: star Grey’s AnatomyA 53-year-old man was ‘stunned’ after reading Dr. Christy Funk’s book about health benefits of veganism for women. So much so that she even convinced her husband and kids to go vegan.

Stella McCartney: It’s no surprise that the 51-year-old designer, as the daughter of vegan activist Linda, avoids animal products in her diet as well as her fashion choices, championing innovative alternatives. made without violence made with love.

Jessica Chastain: The 46-year-old actress was a vegetarian and went vegan at 30 to fight high cholesterol. And she convinced her mother to join her: now Chastain’s mother even has food truck vegan food…

The most famous vegan couple

Rooney Mara AND Joaquin Phoenix: the acting couple is loved and converged even in the kitchen and beyond. The actress, who has been on a vegetarian diet since the age of nine, went vegan in 2011 after stumbling upon several disturbing YouTube videos. She has since co-founded a vegan clothing brand and narrated a documentary about animal rights. Translator JokerOn the other hand, he has been a vegan from a very early age and has always been a spokesman for human rights. animal rights.


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