WHO expresses concern over increasing cases of pneumonia among children in China

this World Health Organization (World Health Organization) expressed concern on Wednesday over increase in respiratory illnesses China According to a statement posted on social network X, and asked the public to “take measures” to protect themselves.

“The World Health Organization issued a formal request to China for detailed information on increases in respiratory illnesses and influenza outbreaks. pneumonia in children“Measures to reduce the risk of respiratory illness” are recommended, the advisory said.

The communiqué detailed, “On November 13, 2023, Chinese authorities stated at a press conference: National Health Commission reported an increase incidence Respiratory Diseases.They attributed the increase to cancellations Covid-19 restrictions and the spread of known pathogens such as influenza, Mycoplasma pneumoniae (a common bacterial infection that often affects young children), and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). ) and SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes Covid-19).”

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british newspaper telegraph There are reports that China’s hospitals are “overcrowded with sick children” due to the nationwide pneumonia epidemic, including Beijing.

Photo: BBC

Photo: BBC

Additionally, according to the statement, “They highlighted the need to improve disease surveillance in health centers and community settings and to strengthen the capacity of health systems to care for patients.”

He described, “On November 21, the media and ProMED (a public early warning surveillance system that monitors human and animal disease outbreaks around the world) reported an epidemic of undiagnosed pneumonia in children in northern China. It is unclear whether these are related to China Authorities have previously reported an overall increase in respiratory infections or are related to individual incidents.”

Additionally, “On 22 November, WHO, through the mechanisms of the International Health Regulations, requested additional epidemiological and clinical information, as well as laboratory results for these reported groups of children.”

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“Since mid-October, influenza-like illness cases in northern my country have increased compared with the same period in the previous three years,” the report said.

“China has systems in place to obtain information on influenza, influenza-like illness, RSV and SARS-CoV-2 trends, as well as provide information to platforms such as the Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System.”

He noted, “While WHO seeks this additional information, we recommend that people in China take steps to reduce the risk of respiratory illness, including getting recommended vaccinations, keeping your distance from sick people, staying home when sick, getting tested, and receiving medical care as needed. Get medical care, wear a mask appropriately, ensure good ventilation, and wash your hands regularly.”

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