WHO maintains risk level after H1N1 swine flu cases in Spain – La Verdad

Spain, February 14, 2024 – The World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed on Tuesday that the possibility of human-to-human transmission of swine flu A(H1N1) remains at a low risk level after receiving information from Spanish health authorities about a case of infection in a farm worker in Spain. Lleida (Catalonia), this is the third case reported in Spain since 2008.

The case was notified to the World Health Organization on January 29, and after a period of monitoring, no infection was found in the patient’s three close relatives or other workers on the pig farm, so the organization decided not to issue a special alert.

However, the World Health Organization has emphasized the importance of global surveillance of possible human cases to detect any changes in virological, epidemiological and clinical aspects of swine influenza viruses.

“Current evidence suggests that these viruses have not yet acquired the ability to sustainably spread from person to person: there are limited and non-sustained infections that have not yet spread to the community level,” the UN health agency assessed.

The World Health Organization sees no need to impose travel restrictions to and from Spain due to the case, instead recommending measures such as avoiding contact with potentially sick animals and regular hand washing after handling animals.

“Travelers from countries with known outbreaks of animal influenza should avoid visiting farms, contact with live animals at markets, entering slaughter areas or contact with surfaces visibly contaminated by animal feces,” the WHO added.

The two previously reported cases of H1N1 swine flu in Spain were reported in 2008 and one year ago in January 2023.

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