WHO recommends using masks to prevent pneumonia in children, but China asks ‘not to worry’ | International | News

Chinese authorities have recorded an increase in respiratory illnesses among children in recent weeks, mostly in the northern part of the Asian country.

The emergence of these diseases has caused concern in some countries because the cause of these diseases has not yet been detailed.

In light of this, the World Health Organization (WHO) has been monitoring the situation since mid-October using data from the country’s surveillance system.

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On November 13, China’s National Health Commission reported that the incidence of respiratory diseases has increased due to the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions, as well as the cold season and the spread of pathogens such as influenza, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and respiratory diseases. syncytial virus (RSV) and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).

The World Health Organization asked China to provide more epidemiological information. In light of this, the country held a conference call and provided data showing an increase in outpatient visits and admissions to children due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae since May, and an increase in children due to respiratory syncytial virus, adenovirus since October. There has been an increase in the number of children hospitalized with influenza viruses.

Although some of these results came ahead of the historic season, they were not unexpected to the authorities.

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“Chinese authorities have reported that, including in Beijing and Liaoning, no unusual or new pathogens or unusual clinical manifestations have been identified, only the above-mentioned general increase in respiratory illnesses caused by a variety of known pathogens,” the report said.

Given this situation, the World Health Organization recommends that, to reduce the risk of respiratory illness, appropriate doses of vaccines against influenza, COVID-19, and other respiratory pathogens should be administered. and keeping your distance from sick people and staying home when sick.

The use of masks is also recommended when necessary, but good ventilation and regular hand washing should be maintained.

“Generally, if possible, people should avoid traveling when experiencing symptoms of respiratory illness; travelers are advised to seek medical attention and share their symptoms with a healthcare provider if symptoms develop during or after travel,” it added. Travel history. ” (Yo)

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