Who should receive the flu and COVID-19 vaccines during the 2023-2024 vaccination campaign?

Indications for influenza and COVID-19 vaccination focus first on:

– General population 60 years of age or older: Systematic vaccination against influenza and COVID-19.

– Persons 5 years of age or older, inmates of centers or nursing homes for persons with disabilities, and other long-term institutionalized persons and residents of closed institutions, including penitentiary institutions.

– People aged 6 months to 59 years with a medical condition or risk condition, including those in any trimester of pregnancy and the postpartum period (6 months postpartum and those who were not vaccinated during pregnancy).

– General population aged 6 to 59 months: systemic influenza vaccination; 2022-23 vaccination campaign in Andalusia has begun. COVID-19 vaccines will only be given if they have a medical condition or at-risk situation, starting with high-risk groups.

– Health and social hygiene staff from health and social hygiene centres, nursing homes, disability centres.

– Staff of prison institutions.

– Other professional groups such as national security forces, firefighters and civil protection services.

– Cohabitants over the age of 60, people with chronic illnesses or pregnant women, from December, depending on the progress of the campaign and the availability of vaccine doses.

For flu vaccinations, the following are also included:

– Smoker.

– Students working as interns in health and social care centres, nursing homes, disability centres.

– Persons who have direct occupational contact with animals or their secretions in poultry, pig or mink farms or farms, or with wild fauna (birds, boars or mustelids), such as ranchers, veterinarians, farm workers, hunters, birds Scientists, environmentalists, staff zoos, etc.

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