Who was Antonella Lualdi’s husband, everything about Franco Interlenghi: age, work, death

Franco Interlenghi was Antonella Lualdi’s husband from 1995 until the man’s death in 2015.. Thus, the two remained by each other’s side for sixty years, living a powerful love story that touched many. The couple also had two gorgeous daughters, Antonella and Stella.

Franco died on September 10, 2015, aged 84, at his home near Ponte Milvio. Mimmo Verdeschi’s documentary “Shusha 70” was dedicated to the memory of this man and is obviously inspired by the film by Vittorio De Sica, in which he made his debut at a very young age and is still unknown.

Franco Interlenghi, husband of Antonella Lualdi: age and work

Franco Interlenghi was born in Rome on October 29, 1931. At the age of fifteen, he made his debut as one of the main roles in the film “Shusha” along with Rinaldo Smordoni. Two boys are taken from the street, as happened during neorealism, to give the film an even more sincere reality, which Cesare Zavattini theorizes very well. From that moment on, Interlenga began a career full of great success.

In fact, he came to work with great Italian directors such as Mario Soldati, Luigi Zampa, Federico Fellini, Luciano Emmer, Alessandro Blasetti, Roberto Rossellini, Mario Monicelli, as well as such great foreign auteurs as Julien Duvivier, Joseph L. Makevich, Charles Widor. , Jacques Dere, and also, in this case, many others.

A personality actor, he had to play various roles in the world of cinema with a very sincere face, which, however, often forced him to play the role of a villain. Throughout his career, Interlenghi has described our country with a strong personality. In 2010, he starred in the last film of his career, La Belle Society, directed by Gian Paolo Cugno, alongside his wife Antonella Lualdi. On the day of the latter’s death, it is important to remember the one who made her life wonderful by giving birth to two beautiful girls.

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