Why are headaches so common?

Almost everyone suffers from headaches at some point in their lives. This is one of the most common reasons for consultation. There are many reasons that may justify a so-called headache.. The most commonly described reasons include:

– Poorly controlled blood pressure leading to headaches.

-Due to certain brain diseases Causes increased tension within the skullas is the case with brain tumors.

– Typical migraine headache, in addition to photophobia (need to be in a room Hardly anything is heard in the dark).

– Headache is due to Mucus builds up in any cavities The skull suffers from sinusitis.

Finally, one of the most common is tension headaches, which are often associated with neck pain.

60% of people suffer from neck pain and tension headaches at some point in their lives. The incidence of this level of pain may be 83 per 100,000 inhabitants.There is no age pattern, but The highest incidence of cervical pain is estimated to occur in the age group 13 to 90 years, and is more common in men than women.. Daily stress, work conflicts, and daily family life can all take their toll in the form of pain and limitations in activities of daily living.

One-third of patients with neck pain have a correlation on imaging tests, such as the presence of a herniated or herniated disc

The rest are caused by poor postural hygiene, workplace overload, or degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis or spondylitis. However, One-third of patients with cervical spine pain have a correlation on imaging studies, such as the presence of a herniated or herniated disc.. Even so, neck pain is less common than lower back pain. However, in addition to the known causes of neck pain and headaches, a new one has been added and that is excessive use of mobile phones and tablets.

Rendering modes may vary, but this is normal Patients have pain for at least three months before consulting a specialist It is normal to have periods of exacerbation or improvement throughout the year. At the workplace level, it is one of the workhorses, as it is one of the most common causes of temporary incapacity to work.

How is the pain?

Stress-related cervical pain is often more severe at the end of the day. As the workday progresses, neck tension increases and the muscles tend to shorten. Sometimes vertigo or lightheadedness may occur, either with sweating and nausea, or just everything spinning. Another typical manifestation is the loss of mobility in all postures, and the patient must look sideways like a “robot.”, unable to rotate the neck. If the contracture is really severe, you will usually experience a cramping and tingling sensation in your arm or hand; this does not necessarily mean that a herniated disc is present, and the contraction itself may cause this.

How is the cause of neck pain diagnosed?

To diagnose cervical spine pain, a complete clinical history of cervical spine symptoms must be obtained. A clinical examination including postural assessment should be performedcervical spine mobility and pain location, as well as assessing nerve and muscle function in the arms and legs.

With a simple X-ray, the cervical spine can be seen and diagnosed, which can often determine the cause of cervical pain and develop an appropriate treatment plan. The vertebrae may be evaluated for fractures, tumors, or simple cervical spondylosis. Or equally, osteoarthritis between the vertebrae can cause pain with active and passive movements.

If the clinical picture requires more detailed evaluation, one or more of the following tests may be performed: CT, MRI, or electromyography, studies nerve conduction using several very thin needles that capture nerve electrical potentials. and transfer them to the screen. This test cannot be performed until at least three weeks after the injury, by which time deterioration of the nerve can already be seen. It evaluates the function of the nerves and muscles and whether there is any type of compression, such as that caused by a herniated disc, or any disease of the nerves themselves, such as those that cause multiple sclerosis.

How are tension headaches treated?

Pressure-related cervical pain It’s usually a nightmare for everyone who suffers from it.. We have come up with several solutions to be able to live with the problems that have a serious impact on our necks every day.

-Physical exercise: This is key. If we can release adrenaline through exercise, we will sleep better, Mentally we will be able to make better decisions and we will have fewer physical therapist sessions. Here we also include personalized physical exercises to strengthen the neck muscles by using elastic bands and under the supervision of a personal trainer.

-Muscle relaxants: This is the chemical option. As its name suggests, Functions to eliminate contractures in major muscles such as the trapezius and splenius muscles, and reduce the anxiety that causes it.

-Physiotherapy: they help with manual unloading and Reducing Contractures with Technologyespecially for anyone suffering from chronic neck pain.

– There is a focus on anxiety as a cause of neck pain and headaches. Every day we live has one day left. Life itself is difficult because it brings us various tests.. However, we can fill each day with enthusiasm, joy, enthusiasm, and attitude. Perhaps with this perspective, we can face those challenges that seem difficult to us every day.

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