Why can probiotics act as a flu drug cocktail?

«Today, there are specific probiotics that, when taken in sufficient amounts, can improve the balance of the intestinal microbiota, Correct the state of ecological imbalance, They stimulate our body’s immune response and can also be used to correct dysbiosis at the level of the respiratory mucosa, with significant benefits for: host health status», said Dr. Ortiz.

In this sense, according to what was published in Cochranethe use of probiotics can reduce the incidence of acute upper respiratory tract infections by approximately 18% or shorten the average duration An acute infection occurs approximately once every 1.22 days. Additionally, immunomodulatory benefits may be particularly important in populations at higher risk for severe SARS-CoV-26 infection.

Throat infection

Acute upper respiratory tract infections, including colds, flu, and throat infections, usually resolve in three to seven days.

In recent years, multiple studies have shown that the resistance of influenza viruses to influenza viruses is relatively stable. Cool, dry temperatures. Additionally, low temperatures can weaken the nose’s first line of defense, which is why we tend to get sick more easily in the winter.

«The immune system is the body’s defense system against infectious microorganisms and substances it considers foreign or harmful.Through a series of processes that make up the immune response, the immune system recognizes, attacks, and defends against Disease-causing microorganisms and substances», explains Dr. Ortiz.

The nose taps into the immune system

The lungs are one of the areas of the body most exposed to pathogens (viruses and bacteria). The nose is one of the entry points for the mucosal immune system, In which the digestive and respiratory systems are involved, these two anatomically distinct entities have the ability to influence each other, giving rise to the concept of the gut-lung axis.

Imbalance in gut bacterial diversity may lead to axis changes Intestines and lungs The immune response of the lungs decreases, making it more susceptible to respiratory and throat infections, mucosal inflammation, etc.

To this end, Dr. Ortiz reminds us of the importance of maintaining a healthy diet, Variety and balance, prioritizing vegetablesEspecially green leafy foods and avoid processed foods and sugar to strengthen your immune system.Additionally, it recommends consuming fermented foods such as yogurt, unpasteurized cheese, or kefir as the easiest way Provide probiotics in your diet.

Likewise, hydration is crucial, with two liters of water a day recommended, althoughThis depends on a variety of factors, such as calories or physical activity performed each day. It’s also important to avoid stress and take breaks, as staying calm is good for your microbiome, and a healthy microbiome will help manage stress better. However, experts recommend regular, moderate exercise, as diet and rest are just as important as exercise.

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