why can’t man express his (good) taste anymore?

Piroso, public enemy number one. The treacherous Antonello via Twitter (sorry, X!) allowed himself to joke. Indeed, the journalist tweeted the following butade: “Do you love Birkenstocks? Put them on. Personally, if I took Charlize Theron to dinner and she was wearing Trappist sandals, it would ruin my evening. (Yes, I know: this will never happen. No, not that I can’t go to dinner with her. That she will appear with Birkenstocks. And Elon Musk’s social network did not forgive the exit. Photographs of the actress in these scolded shoes are printed with triumphant inscriptions: oh, how they sing their Piroso! Piroso, who, meanwhile, is laughing properly. This great popular revolt, however, once again emphasizes one of the main tenets of our miserable time: a person cannot express his tastes without going through a troglodyte, a retrograde, a “manspleiner”. A woman, on the other hand, is applauded if she announces urbi et orbi that she does not want to be accompanied by short, bald men in handcuffs and so on. Just take a look at Tinder (but not only) to figure it out. And here we are, with an exquisite new short circuit provided by the ever-prolific school of “thought” double standards. Hooray!

Piroso vs. Birkenstocks: what did he say wrong?

Piroso, using the rhetorical figure of hyperbole, wrote a simple joke. Butade, which certainly implies his little or no fascination with the Birkenstocks. And what? If someone, faced with this considered “personal” consideration, feels restricted in their freedom to wear the aforementioned “trappist monk sandals”, perhaps they should address this issue in therapy. Or stop following feminist suicide bombers on Instagram, jealous of their armpit length. Even the latter is a rather controversial topic (unfortunately, not only because we are in August). We well remember a “hetero-cis-male” Twitter user who took the liberty of saying, “I would never spend the night with someone who doesn’t shave because of bias.” The homunculus was tagged en masse, and within a few hours his profile no longer existed. If the same thing happened on Tinder, how many girls would be left online looking for adventure? What seems so difficult to understand is that “de gustibus” continues (and will continue) to reign supreme even in this unfortunate era, which Gia Soncini well defines as “receptivity”. We didn’t know then that so many girls in Birkenstock (or not) were eager to dine with Piroso. What a bitter disappointment for your master!

And there was war: the ridiculous shame of the body against Piroso

In addition to the photo truths of Charlize Theron in Birkenstock posted by myriads of very helpful Henol Holmes, the girls go to war against Pyroso even with body shaming. Just open Twitter (sorry, X!) to be wowed by images of the evil Antonello, accused of being an old, done away with serf, complete with a “terrible leather cuff”. Before such scratches the reporter rightly continued to laugh. But the aggression that spills out on one comment is not a good sign. Still funny, of course. But not nice. We all have our tastes (and the sky is blue if anyone else missed that too), only if you’re a man you should keep them to yourself to fend off the crappy storms raging on the Erinyes. If you were born a woman, then you can write whatever you like: “Not peeled,” “Not short,” “Not poor,” and so on. You can also afford to call a straight guy a “toxic” guy who posts selfies from the gym. Or mock someone who appears to you through social media as old, dead, with a leather cuff. Without any consequences. In fact, they shouldn’t be. Not in either case. However, in this society so open to dialogue and inclusiveness, it seems impossible to live together in serenity. Even in August. Ego anxiety is feminine. We are happy…

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