Why do colds occur?Causes, symptoms and treatment

it can affect your nose and throat. Nasal congestion, throat irritation, coughing, and occasional sneezing.this is definitely one coldan upper respiratory tract infection caused by a virus.

It is usually harmless and does not require treatment.exist It will subside on its own in about 7 days. Therefore, little is known about the conditions typical of this colder month of the year. It is known to be caused by several viruses and few others.

usually affects more childrenalso for those who have you lower your defenses or with chronic disease, they may lead to more serious conditions. Smokers will notice that it takes them longer to heal.

causes of colds

There are many viruses that can cause catarrhal disease, e.g. Rhinovirus, influenza virus, or adenovirus. Of these, rhinovirus is the most common cause, according to the Mayo Clinic.

These microorganisms enter the human body through the following pathways from mouth, eyes or nose. The virus can be spread through droplets expelled when a sick person coughs, sneezes or even talks. Touching some of the above areas after being exposed to a virus may expose you to the disease.

It has been observed that there are three moments when the incidence of colds is highest: 1 moment autumn (from the beginning of school), another winter and springreported by the Central University of Navarra (CUN).

cold symptoms

Cold symptoms can easily be confused with other respiratory illnesses, such as Flu or COVID-19. Generally speaking, if you have symptoms such as high fever, muscle pain, or headache, it is most likely not a simple cold.

Colds usually appear as Runny nose, stuffy nose, and sneezing. Likewise, sore throat, cough, headache, or general malaise may occur, the U.S. Library of Medicine says.

Refers slimeThe Mayo Clinic notes that this can start with transparency and transparency becomes thicker and yellow or green in color. This does not mean that the infection is caused by bacteria and therefore antibiotics should not be taken.

When should you consult a doctor

In most cases, the common cold does not require medical attention. However, US clinics recommend consulting a health professional in the following situations.

exist adult:

  • Symptoms worsen or do not improve
  • Fever above 38.5℃ for more than 3 days
  • Fever comes back after not having a fever for a while
  • Shortness of breath
  • respite
  • Severe throat, headache, or sinus pain

exist children:

  • Neonatal fever of 38°C for up to 12 weeks
  • A child of any age who has a fever that lasts more than 2 days
  • More serious symptoms, such as headache, sore throat, or cough
  • difficulty breathing or wheezing
  • Earache
  • Restlessness or atypical sleepiness
  • Loss of appetite

Colds can cause complications and develop into bronchitis, ear infections, or pneumonia.

What medicine should I take if I have a cold?

Some home remedies for colds They are backed by science. For example, the effects of honey were compared with those of medicines. The same goes for broth or hot drinks used to relieve discomfort.

Scientific research shows that taking at least 200 mg of vitamin C every day can Helps speed recovery and reduces the severity of symptomsalthough it does not prevent respiratory infections. drink lots of fluids It will promote the release of mucus.

If you feel very uncomfortable, you can resort to paracetamol, effective against mild and moderate pain. There is also ibuprofen, although its consumption should be limited to the lowest dose due to its side effects.

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