Why Experts Say Wearing Socks to Sleep is Worse Than Sleeping in the Bathroom

If you have this bad habit, which you may not realize while sleeping, there is no point in constantly changing the sheets on your bed.

The research is based on a UK survey conducted by Mattress Next Day, in which 1,017 Britons took part, revealing their sleeping habits. 18% said they wore socks to bed, with 70% saying they wore the same socks throughout the day.

Health experts disapprove of this action because Dirty socks may contain the same bacteria found in cockroaches and feces, The same ones you take to bed.

The survey also sampled socks worn by respondents between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m. and found that half of them had worn socks. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a bacterium that causes infections in humans, primarily in the respiratory tract, urinary tract, and lungs, Can also be spread easily.

In fact, some socks are dirtier than a TV controller that hasn’t been cleaned in a long time, which is no small thing since these devices are often dirtier than a toilet.

Experts also add that the feet have approximately 250,000 sweat glands, which means moisture can accumulate in dirty socks and produce fungi called dermatophytes, which can cause athlete’s foot.

Mattress Next Door researchers recommend that those who want to wrap their feet wear a clean pair of socks before bed. They also urge washing dirty socks at temperatures above 140°F to kill any bacteria.

continue reading:

* How often should towels be washed?What are the dangers if you don’t wash it regularly?
* Cleaning staff reveals 6 disgusting practices in hotel room “cleaning”
* How to clean a mattress and how often

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