Why hasn’t my cold gone away?

The common cold usually leaves us unable to move for two or three days. Of course, some of its symptoms, such as a runny nose (more runny nose) or a cough, may stay with us for more than a week.


But what if I still feel bad after that time? Why do I sometimes have to spend more money to recover from an illness that in principle is not serious?

Queen Mary University of London has the answer: persistent cold. Or equally, an infection that the body cannot completely fight off, and the virus stays with us longer than necessary.

Even if symptoms are mild, a persistent cold can last up to a month.Jacobchuk Vyacheslav

In the case of colds or catarrh, the symptoms differ from the traditional symptoms of this pathology. The cough may remain, but stomach pain and diarrhea may also occur.

In many cases, these symptoms are related to taking medications designed to relieve symptoms, such as fever-reducing medications when you have a fever, or cough syrup itself. In children, these diarrheas are related to the mucus itself and the belief that mucus accumulates in the stomach.

Some differences between COVID-19 and colds

This aspect, that aspect Symptoms of cold and ongoing Covid-19 infection are different. In the second case, there is usually a feeling of tiredness or extreme fatigue, as well as dizziness or a loss (total or partial) of smell and taste.

The duration is also different. While persistent COVID-19 may last for months (cases are still being studied to distinguish infection from sequelae), the rest of the respiratory infections don’t appear to last that long.

The importance of knowing if you have a cold

Giulia Vivaldi, a researcher at Queen Mary University of London and lead author of the study, said the findings are important for naming a disease that many people suffer from and for whom it is not known what treatment or treatment is needed. How to deal with it. Condition.

“A lack of awareness, and even a lack of common terminology, hinders reporting and diagnosis of these conditions”“, said researcher Julia Vivaldi.

If a cold persists, you must see a doctor for diagnosis.

How can we completely cure a cold?

When you have been weak for a while and your symptoms are not improving, the first recommendation is Don’t wait too long to see a doctor. If cold symptoms persist for more than 10 days or do not get better (for example, if you have a high fever for several days), you need to see a specialist to evaluate the situation and decide whether additional tests or intensive treatment are needed.

high fever

If these symptoms are mild but persistent, steps should also be taken Don’t let a cold turn into a serious illness.

Classic treatments for colds

The first step is to rest. Slowing down and resting will help your body recover faster. Fighting a virus can bring out the strongest feelings of resentment, so now is the time to get more sleep and say no to plans, no matter how much it hurts.

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It is also very important to monitor your diet and prioritize all of these Foods to help strengthen your immune system. Therefore, the diet consists mainly of fruits and vegetables, as well as white meat, legumes and oily fish.

Want to go to the next level? Restore classic treatments such as infusions or ginger and turmeric preparations. Most importantly, hydrate plenty, especially if mucus is still present.

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