Why is it bad to hide your emotions?first tv

Almost everyone hides their feelings hour. Sometimes, when experiencing uncomfortable moments, we prefer to hide behind a smile rather than express our true feelings.To avoid problems, we inhibit in many situations out of shame mood We act like nothing happened.

this Emotional depression accidental It usually doesn’t cause a problem as long as it’s ultimately resolved in a healthy and productive way. However, it can become a problem if it becomes a pattern and affects your ability to communicate authentically.

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“Suppressing your emotions is like having a stray bullet in your body” is a quote from my new book, Your Emotional Brain, published by RBA Books. When we suppress our emotions, mental, physical, and psychosomatic illnesses develop. “ This idea is made by psychologist Monia Presta, author of the book she discusses and a sexologist. He believes that the body and mind are a whole, a unity, and when there is psychological pain, there is an unheard of emotion.

«The same thing happens when there is disease in the body but it is not expressed. “Mental and physical illnesses are related to us hiding our emotions, not recognizing them, not listening to them, and not following the messages our emotional brain is telling us,” exposed.

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Type of disease present

As experts point out, emotions can be suppressed, perpetuated, and transformed—which can become another emotion with specific symptoms—and they happen to us when we mask and hide them. Mental, physical and psychosomatic illnesses.

– On a psychological level. The most common disorders are anxiety, depression, insomnia, apathy, anorexia, claustrophobia, agoraphobia, ataxia (a state of apathy in which the person’s emotions appear to be unaffected), Bulimia, anorexia, and problems related to the inability to feel. .

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– On a physical level: «Changes in the immune response can damage DNA, organs, cells and lead to premature aging. We currently know about research on heart disease, gastritis, digestive problems, ulcers and low vitamin D levels,” he points out. Additionally, we know that suppressed emotions can lead to headaches, tachycardia, hair loss, tics and paresthesia. Muscle pain and Inflammation reoccurs.

– On the psychosomatic level: The emotions involved can lead to the following major psychosomatic illnesses:

1. Repressed grief can produce anxiety, depression, and high blood pressure.

2. Inhibitory fears can lead to anxiety, depression, tachycardia, distress, hair loss, respiratory problems, various phobias such as fear of being alone, post-traumatic stress, hypochondriasis, etc.

3. Suppressing anger can lead to nighttime teeth grinding, jaw pain, headaches, ulcers, reflux esophagitis, gastritis, gallstones, hives, tachycardia, anxiety and depression…

4. Unrecognized disgust can lead to obsessive-compulsive and reactive emotional behaviors such as violence and hatred.

Emotions are activated due to internal (memory) or external (situational) emotional stimuli.In turn, they activate amygdala and hypothalamus, Produces responses of the autonomic nervous system (breathing, heartbeat, blood circulation) and muscular system (muscle tension). As muscle tone increases, arousal levels increase and the body changes. Information returned from the periphery of the body creates sensations, generating ways of interpreting bodily experiences.

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“The body sends warnings, and if not heeded, they become overreactive for longer than necessary, activating the sympathetic system, which has no sympathetic nerves at all. A chronically activated sympathetic nervous system produces toxic cortisol , harmful to our health. In fact, it can affect the immune system by lowering our defenses, alter the endocrine system by triggering the body’s inflammatory response, and create psychological disorders,” The psychologist said.

Things get complicated when we stop paying attention to our physical and emotional signals. However, when we listen to our emotions, the body returns to balance and the parasympathetic system is activated, responsible for returning everything to a state of inner balance. Monia comments that the heart rate decreases, breathing becomes deeper, blood circulation normalizes, and muscles relax: “When we restore this inner harmony, stress disappears, tissues and cells regenerate, and our quality of life is better.”

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Lack of awareness and good emotional management, physical exercise and contact with nature, combined with long-lasting chronic stress in a fast-paced society, are the causes of this century’s pathologies: Anxiety, depression, insomnia, and inflammatory diseases. If emotions are ignored and suppressed, the sympathetic system becomes excessively and persistently overstimulated.

“Listening to your emotional brain, psychotherapy, and good emotion management are key to treating anxiety, depression, insomnia, inflammation, and the physical and psychosomatic illnesses I mentioned earlier,” Monia Presta concluded.

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