Why Patrick Ewing chose Michael Jordan over LeBron James

The debate over who is the greatest basketball player of all time has raged for decades. While many believe there are worthy contenders, none are sparking discussion more than Michael Jordan and LeBron James.

Hall of Famer Patrick Ewing shared his thoughts on the matter. As a former teammate and friend of Jordan, Ewing had a unique perspective on both players. When asked why he thinks Jordan is still above James in terms of greatness, Ewing didn’t hesitate to explain.

Michael Jordan is an assassin

Ewing saw firsthand how deadly his aura could be. After all, his Georgetown Hoyas team lost to the North Carolina Tar Heels in the 1982 NCAA National Championship, and it wasn’t thanks to Jordan’s heroic jump shot. When Ewing joined the NBA, he discovered how unstoppable Jordan was, constantly falling behind Jordan and the Bulls.

Ewing emphasized, “LeBron James is a great player of this era, but he’s not Michael Jordan.”

“You know it’s two different animals. Michael Jordan is a killer, an assassin. LeBron is more of a facilitator; he’s one of the guys you’re going to pass the ball to and he’s probably thinking about shooting first and then passing the ball. The ball goes to Michael and he thinks he’s going to score 50 on you and then he’s going to pass the ball.”

Know what it’s like to have MJ as a teammate

While Ewing never played with LeBron, he did have the opportunity to play with Jordan as a member of the 1992 Dream Team. Known for his star-studded roster that included names like Magic Johnson, Larry Bird and Charles Barkley, Ewing experienced Jordan’s ruthlessness, no matter how weak the opponent.

“The bottom line is, as players, we want to win,” Ewing shared.

“We always equate basketball to war. We always talk about foxholes. Even though it’s nothing like war, you know, when you have people in your foxhole, you want to know if they have your back. It’s not that LeBron isn’t going to back you up, but I know what Michael is going to bring. I definitely like him better.”

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