Why regular professional facial cleansing is important

yes there is

When it comes to skin care, a very important ritual is facial cleansing.. This is one of those steps you should never skip, even if you’re tired, let alone if you have makeup on your face. motivation? The skin becomes dull, ages faster, and unexpected problems begin to appear on the face.

But you not only need to clean your face every day, but you also need to go to a beauty center to do deep skin hygiene. But do you do it often? Do you know how often you need a professional facial cleansing?

Facial cleansing is one of the first treatments everyone undergoes When you first start taking care of your face. I agree with this, I have been doing good facial hygiene since my first visit to a beauty center for facial care.

Initially, facial hygiene only focused on removing blackheads or pimples; but this has evolved and become a ritual of well-being. They’ll apply a specific mask based on your skin’s needs and even add a small amount of water vapor to open your pores.

We asked the experts to tell us a little bit about facial cleansing, why it’s important and how often we should do it.

Marta Barrero and Elena Ramos are pharmacists, dermatologists and directors of The Secret Labwere the ones who made some suggestions.

Experts agree that facial cleansing is crucial for a number of reasons. First,

«This is the only treatment that can professionally extract impurities A personalized beauty routine is then developed to achieve different goals: nourishment, purification, firming, brightening… With this treatment we restore the face to a healthy, luminous appearance, enhance hydration and protect it.

Should you visit a specialized center for a good facial cleanse every six months?

“It depends on the skin type,” experts say. For example, “For normal skin, our recommendation is to do this at least once every season to help our dermis better adapt to the external factors that change it.”

At the same time, oily skin also undergoes this change, “It requires a lot of extractions, and we should increase the frequency, even doing it once a month is no problem.” It also varies greatly according to the type of hygiene in our homes.

Once we’re done cleaning, you may be thinking, now do I get on with my daily routine? Should I change anything? Well, after practicing professional facial hygiene, it is important not to expose yourself directly to the sun, even if you apply sunscreen in between.

Not recommended either

«Touch or wash your face, avoid sweating and make-up for the next 24 hours, “Use gentle products for your at-home facial and moisturize, don’t exfoliate this week, and follow the specific care recommendations your esthetician will give you after your treatment.”

What techniques can we use to ensure that our face lasts longer after cleansing?

There’s usually nothing special you need to do “unless you have a lot of acne on your skin.” Experts say, “The only secret is to continue a good facial care routine at home, never neglecting cleansing and always applying the active ingredients our skin needs (and there is nothing better than getting yourself advice for this).” by experts).

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