Will 750,000 Palestinians come to Türkiye?: The statement was issued!

Former US Ambassador and Republican People’s Party MP Namik Tan suggested the possibility of 750,000 people coming from Gaza to Turkey.

Tan said on his social media account:

“While Turkey has served as a depot for refugees fleeing Afghanistan, Syria and several African countries in recent years, the possibility of 750,000 people from Gaza coming to Turkey is now being discussed. This situation will cause Turkey problems in terms of security, demographics and social peace in the long term.” It is clear that the government, which is a party to the conflicts in the Middle East due to its wrong foreign policy, will commit a new and very big mistake if it accepts the people. Those affected by the humanitarian crisis that arose as a result of these conflicts returned to Turkey for short-term reasons. These wrong policies must be reversed urgently. Turkey should play an active role in resolving the crisis and should make efforts to resolve this new refugee crisis. He added: “This is an example that may arise because of the war between Israel and Hamas, and should not be part of a potential refugee agreement between the United States and Israel. Erdogan, who claims to protect Gaza, should not protect the people of Gaza.” Part of a plan to remove humanity from its homeland against its conscience, and that his name will be mentioned among those who will implement this plan.”

Statement at the Misinformation Center

The Center for Combating Media Misinformation of the Communications Directorate said that the information circulated by some social media accounts was, “An announcement from Netanyahu: We agreed with Erdogan that one million Palestinians will become Turkish citizens and live in Turkey in exchange for $2 billion.” Dollar” is a lie.

The Anti-Disinformation Center also said: “There is no such meeting by our President, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, or such a statement by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The allegations are completely fabricated.”

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