Will Michael B. Jordan and Ryan Coogler team up for a vampire movie?

Here’s a fun story to start your weekend: Last night, The Hollywood Reporter revealed that director Ryan Coogler and his regular Michael B. Jordan (Fruitvale Station, creed, black panther) are teaming up to produce a “secret genre film,” with the dynamic duo currently being scouted out to various interested studios through a series of closed-door meetings in Hollywood.

Are they being tight-lipped about the project? They had executives and potential buyers visit them at the WME talent agency’s offices just to see the script:

“The project was conducted in such secrecy that little was known about it. In fact, executives and buyers were forced to make pilgrimages to the Beverly Hills offices of WME, the agency representing Coogler and Jordan, in order to Learn more.” Take a look at the script and learn the details. Those meetings were held last week. “

THR goes on to say that details are sparse beyond the fact that the project is a “genre” movie of some sort, although they did note (via two anonymous sources) that the film contains some sort of “period element.”This can mean a lot of different things, but depending on Jeff Snyder of InSneider In fact, this movie is a vampire movie of sorts. Normally, we wouldn’t bother covering unofficial rumors like this, but Snyder’s track record on this front is nearly impeccable.

So, let’s assume that’s the case: a costumed vampire movie starring Michael B. Jordan and written and directed by Ryan Coogler. If that’s not something to be excited about, we don’t know what is. Well, that could mean everything from ’70s vampire movies to “Vampires and Bootleggers” movies set in the Prohibition era. Chances are, it’ll be a while before we know the true shape of things, but until then, we’re happy to let our minds wander through the possibilities.

Coogler and Jordan’s meeting last week at WME will now lead to other In a series of meetings, interested buyers will learn more about Kugler’s vision for the project. Given the level of studio interest, we’re guessing we’ll be hearing more about Coogler and Jordan’s latest collaboration sooner or later. Stay tuned for further updates on this mysterious new project.

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