Will we become resistant to antibiotics? OCU responded.

this World Health Organization think evil Drug use is becoming a ten bigger question those facing healthy public, as it is developing rapidly and making it impossible to fight bacterial infections that until recently had no cure.

The question turns to another term, as it is not only bacteria is becoming immunity arrive antibiotic, But antimicrobial resistance exists and not only bacteria can get in, but also microorganisms such as viruses, fungi or parasites.These in turn microorganism divided into Variety Since the antibiotics have no effect, they are able to survive.

Cause: Abuse of antibiotics

The problem with all of this is that people abuse and abuse Antibiotics, which are responsible for the origin multidrug-resistant bacteria. A virus, on the other hand, is passed on to subsequent generations, so it is passed from a single individual to the entire population. This transfer can take years, but sometimes just a few months is enough. This acceleration is caused by the overuse of antibiotics.

Food, feces, water, proximity and contact with people, animals or other contaminated surfaces constitute the main Source of infection These bacteria spread through it and reach humans.In this sense, a 70% of infections They received it at the hospital, health centre Older adults are caused by drug-resistant bacteria coexist Stay in these centers for long periods of time.

The problem goes further because many hospital procedures, such as transplants, chemotherapy or surgery, would be at risk if these centers were contaminated with multidrug-resistant bacteria.

how can i solve this problem

from Okuthey know very well that that is “Use fewer antibiotics and use them better”. In the most recent EU Eurobarometer, 86% of Spaniards answered that unnecessary use of antibiotics makes them ineffective. However, the same survey showed:

  • 46% of Spaniards believe that antibiotics can kill viruses.
  • 36% thought they were effective against colds.

In this sense, OCU maintains that antibiotics are “only Services for fight infection caused bacteria.in front of Viruses such as influenza or colds are not effective. Don’t insist on your doctor prescribing medication, as common conditions such as sore throat, otitis media, acute sinusitis, cough or high fever are caused by viruses. in some meaning, WHO propose a series of measures Spain Already started:

  • Some antibiotics should be used sparingly and kept in “reserves” as a last resort to treat more complex infections, such as those caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria.
  • Likewise, those drugs that target multiple bacteria should be used less frequently (they are called “broad-spectrum”) and prioritize the most selective ones, which attack only specific bacteria (those “narrow-spectrum” bacteria). “).

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