World Thermal Congress opens in Salto and Paisandu

At the time of printing this edition MorningLuis Lacalle Pou, President of the Republic, inaugurated the 21st “Termatalia”, the most important world congress on thermal waters, held this year in Salto and Paisandu, with more than 200 doctors, technicians, about thirty people from five continents Exhibitors and journalists from countries specializing in thermal research.

Termatalia is an international conference specializing in health and wellness tourism, encouraging the exchange of experiences from a business, institutional and social perspective between different continents in order to gain a global perspective on the industry and thereby promote the development of strategic tourism markets. .

The Ministry of Tourism strives to establish its headquarters in our country and Deputy Minister Remo Monzeglio attended the last Termatalia held in September 2022 in Ourense (Spain). Congress Director Rogelio Martinez said: “Monzellio’s enthusiasm was infectious as he told us about Uruguay’s geothermal resources and the country’s competitive advantages, based on the stability of its government, its health and technological structure, and The beauty and diversity of geothermal landscapes.”

In fact, Uruguay has everything it needs to position itself internationally as one of the great geothermal destinations in Latin America, since its water comes from the Guarani aquifer system, one of the most important on Earth One of the largest water resources in the world, not only because of its size, but also the mass and temperature of liquids coming from more than 1,200 meters deep, below the basalts characteristic of northern coastal areas.

Leisure hot spring

The ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans have been using thermal spring waters for 5,000 years. No other healing method has lasted for thousands of years, and currently, when humans tend to return to nature, it has gained great popularity.

In our country, hot springs are almost exclusively used for leisure purposes, taking advantage of the fact that the temperature at the spring mouth is around 45 degrees, which is very suitable for bathing in winter. In summer, this temperature is reduced by technical or natural means, and thanks to its richness (200,000 to 800,000 liters per hour, depending on the borehole), it can be used in swimming pools and water parks, both in winter and summer, as it is today becoming a major tourist attraction in the area.

In Uruguay, hot springs are used almost exclusively for leisure purposes. Its therapeutic uses are still unresolved, which is how it gained its universal reputation and was the basis for its development in Europe, where its “spas” were actually sanatoriums for those suffering from illnesses or wanting relief from them Go to. age.

The Termatalia Congress will be dedicated to the exchange of experiences between European experts and our country’s experts, through whose contacts ideas will certainly arise to promote the recreational use of thermal waters in Europe and for medical purposes in Uruguay.

medicinal hot springs

The springs of Salto and Paysandu are very close to the so-called “elixir of life” in ancient times. Thermal wells in Arapey, Daymán, Salto Grande (Hotel Horacio Quiroga) and Guaviyú are called “sodium bicarbonate chloride” due to their chemical composition.

This means that these waters have a significant sedative, antispasmodic, relaxing, relaxing, relaxing effect, i.e. they relieve organic and psychological tension, reduce nervousness, restlessness, anxiety, insomnia, constipation, muscle pain, as well as spasms and contractures, i.e. , suffering from neuromuscular and psychosomatic tension.

Its benefits in the bath therefore extend to alleviating disease, preventing disease, beautifying the skin and essentially aiding relaxation and rest.

However, intake is also particularly recommended. Taken on an empty stomach, they attack stomach acid and are suitable for intestinal, duodenal and renal disorders, being excellent stone dissolvers in the latter case. Taken with meals, they improve digestion, are a powerful gastric sedative, and stimulate pancreatic secretions.

While these waters do not magically cure illnesses, they are very effective in treating the pain and discomfort of today’s busy, rushed, worried lives.

Above all, in the context of a return to preventive and natural medicine, their baths are highly recommended among patients with rheumatism, especially for the elderly, who are often prone to dehydration by not replenishing the two and a half liters of water per day. use different ways. Experience shows that patients with reduced energy, fatigue, nervousness, and neuromuscular and psychosomatic tension show significant and good recovery.

sulfated water

In the Guichón region (Paysandú), the thermal water contains sulfates, which makes its recreational use more difficult. But medically, their analysis shows they have a diuretic effect and mobilize uric acid in tissues, thereby reducing the amount of urea in the blood and lowering blood pressure. It is recommended to use this sulfuric acid water for daily bath therapy under the prescription and supervision of a doctor.

Another important application of sulfuric acid water is inhalation, which is very convenient for bronchitis sicca, emphysema and laryngitis.

international experts

All these benefits of Uruguay’s thermal waters will be presented at the three-day Termatalia Congress to international experts who will present their opinions and knowledge in the panels that make up the Congress.

The International Water and Health Congress (this is its official name) will include a series of technical sessions discussing the field of thermal energy from different perspectives. It will be divided into a series of thematic blocks covering different areas: health, medical hydrology and tourism, thermal urban experiences, thermal cosmetics, thermal marketing, health and public policy.

Interventions will take place in a hybrid format, face-to-face and online, and can also be monitored in both ways by attendees and interested parties, since this Termatalia conference will be broadcast to the world via the Internet.

The website ( provides all information about the Congress as well as news about the heating industry.

Features of hot springs

  • They stimulate the body’s defenses
  • They have analgesic and therapeutic properties
  • Antispasmodics
  • Used in beauty due to the presence of microalgae
  • Relieve muscle pain
  • they relax
  • They neutralize stomach acid
  • Relieve Rheumatism and Osteoarthritis
  • They attack respiratory diseases
  • They aid the musculoskeletal system
  • They can calm bronchial asthma

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