Xunta expands influenza and coronavirus vaccination campaign on 12 de xaneiro

Health Minister Julio García Comesaña, accompanied by Public Health Director Carmen Durán, announced this morning the expansion of the influenza and COVID-19 vaccination campaign, which was originally scheduled to end on December 31, 2012. As case numbers rise and Nadal’s social gatherings increase over the holidays, Xunta offers vaccination opportunities to target groups that are not currently possible.

In this way, people over 60 years old, pregnant women and high-risk groups can receive a combined influenza and COVID-19 vaccine in public hospitals in Galicia. In addition, health centers can receive the influenza vaccine, also for children aged 6 to 59 months. Girls and boys or smokers.

According to the latest figures, more than 760,000 people have been vaccinated against influenza in Galicia. Among them, there are 34,000 people under the age of 5, accounting for more than 48% of the total. In this sense, the Minister of Health noted the importance of vaccination of children, since “they play an important role as vectors of transmission of the virus to the elderly and are also frequently hospitalized.” Regarding adult influenza vaccination rates, Galicia The vaccination rate for people over 80 years old is 81%.

In the song of coronavirus, you Data released by the Ministry of Health Last week, they ranked Galicia as the country leading in coverage, with a vaccination rate of 65.85% for people over 60 years old (5 percentage points higher than the 2nd Autonomous Region and 10 percentage points higher than the national average). By age group, Galicia has a coverage rate of 77.16% for people over 80 years old (17 percentage points higher than the national average) and 66.88% for people aged 70-79 (9 percentage points higher than the national average). , the coverage rate for people aged 60-60 is 53.50%. 69 years old (more than 25 percentage points higher than the state average).

In addition to the best data from across Spain, the Ministry of Health wants to strengthen protection against influenza and coronavirus to avoid complications and hospitalizations. As of today, 432 people are hospitalized with influenza in Galicia (15 more than the previous day), 20 of whom are in intensive care units (ICU). Not this season, there were 888 hospitalizations due to influenza (all type A viruses), of which 48 patients had to be admitted to the ICU. This is not related to the coronavirus, of which 138 are currently admitted to Galician hospitals, 9 of whom are in intensive care (4 in Coruña, 2 in Vigo, 1 in Ferrol, 1 in Lugo, Oron plug 1 person).

To avoid contagion, Comesaña encouraged “people with flu or COVID-19 symptoms, just as during the pandemic, to wear a mask or take a rapid test at a pharmacy,” taking into account that social gatherings will not increase during Nadal’s celebrations.

Frontal lobe RSV immunity

Regarding immunization against respiratory syncytial virus, the Health Minister noted that Galicia is the first community in recent years to have a risk or antiviral vaccine against RSV, with “results that are very good”. As a result, 93% of newborns and neonates were immunized. In addition, the General Directorate of Public Health has recycled two customers since April 1, two of whom received 86% in advance. For children, 100% are involved in the process.

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the cause of bronchiolitis, a disease that has resulted in more than a thousand hospitalizations in Galicia. Hoxe’s data has dropped significantly, and it can be seen that Weekly reports to the Ministry of Health.

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