Yes, Spotify doesn’t ban music created using new technologies

Like the entire creative sector, from film to photography, music is also facing the impact of artificial intelligence. Spotify CEO Daniel Ek expressed his views on the matter in an interview with the BBC.

Disputes about “years”

The use of artificial intelligence in music is likely to be discussed for “many, many years,” according to the manager, who rarely speaks to the media.
In his view, there are cases where AI can have a beneficial effect in music production, such as auto-tuning. Using technology to imitate artists without their consent is different and unacceptable. Which then becomes even more controversial when music “created” by AI recalls the influences of certain artists without directly impersonating them.

Obviously, the reference to the song “Heart on My Sleeve”, created by TikTok Ghostwriter with voices cloned by the artificial intelligence of artists Drake and The Weeknd, could not be missed, removed from Spotify, as well as from other platforms, because neither of the two artists he did not know.
“We have a very large team that works on exactly these kinds of problems,” Ek recalls.

No 100% ban. But…

Spotify’s intention, at least for now, is not to completely ban content created with the new technology from its platform.
One aspect that the company is determined not to give up on is the fact that its content is used to train artificial intelligence to create new music.

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