“You must die in Kaivano” – Meloni’s shocking basic income threats: “I suggest you stay at home, are you sure you’ll be back?”

Prime Minister Georgia Meloni who will come to Kaivano tomorrow she was the object of very serious threats, first on the marches, and then on the net. The basis of the threats, according to the haters themselves, is the decision of the government suspend basic income several thousand recipients who were deemed fit to work. During marches in some cities, the prime minister became the target of violent expressions of dissent, which were repeated with much the same content and under the post in which Meloni announced his arrival in Kaivano. “I would advise you to stay at home. Are you sure you’ll be back?” reads a comment left by a girl. But another woman used even more brutal and explicit language about the prime minister: “Let’s hope you stay dead in Kaivano.” But there are those who hope that if he does not die, then at least he will leave Kaivano “with a few bruises.”

Meloni did not respond to insults and he does not appear to be at all frightened by insults and threatening warnings. Despite the apparent climate of hatred, the prime minister does not appear to be afraid that simple words can actually lead to action. Meanwhile in these hours The mother of one of the victims expressed her desire to meet with the Prime Minister:I want to speak personally with Prime Minister Meloni. without intermediarieswithout politicians to tell her my fears“. The woman made her fears public threats who accepts his family. For this reason, and also to get a second chance, she asks to be transferred from Parco Verde to a less degraded area.

Solidarity of the political world

Wolves, threats certainly won’t stop the government’s reform efforts – “I express my personal solidarity and the solidarity of our moderates with Prime Minister Georgia Meloni in connection with the received unworthy threats, which, of course, will not stop the government’s reform efforts. Rather, let them reflect those acrobats who, from the election campaign until today, have used inflammatory language and stirred up public squares and social hatred to garner a few votes. Let’s return to the confrontation, even tough, but civil, on issues and on the vision of the country. This was stated by the president of Noi Moderati Maurizio Lupi.

La Russa, humanly close to her friend Georgia Meloni. – after another serious threats against her. It is all the more necessary to tone down the political debate, which must remain a healthy and democratic confrontation of different ideas. I am also pleased to read in these hours the words of firm condemnation expressed by the political forces.” So Senate President Ignazio La Russa

Urso, full solidarity with President Georgia Meloni on the threats received – in connection with his visit to Kaivano. Messages of hate and violence must be condemned with absolute firmness. Forward in government action, proudly on the side of the rule of law.” The Minister of Entrepreneurship and Production of Italy, Adolfo Urso, writes about this on social networks.

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