you’re sad? You already know you’ll be listening to (more) sad music

Man’s ability to make an already dire situation worse That shouldn’t surprise us anymore, And yet it happens. for example when humans intentionally chooses to listen to sad music When he himself is already sad. with or without creeps by radiohead or Sing by Don Becky (sad ending song to an absolutely excellent story). why so sad when we can be completely devastated – or ravaged – and groan in pain with a the soundtrack that gives us the coup de grace,

so why not intentionally hurt yourself more speech with special songs Happy moments and moods we’ll never experience again (or so we think)?

we are hypocrites

This may sound contradictory when we already listen to sad songs, because the common narrative is that Most people do everything possible to avoid To feel pain or sorrow But it is clear that this is not the case: Literally Everyone Has a Secret Playlist Which he uses to cry.

On the one hand, this happens because many people cannot express their grief without it. a little collaboration, And the only thing left to do is embrace the pain: it’s useless to run if you’re in painbecause he finds you and finds you in the middle of a party You do this incidentally with the belief that you are now in a healthy place and fully recovered. But none. And it’s really, really easy to be better better, right after people cry, Anyone who can’t do it or feels it is not enough goes to it the magical world of songwritingOut of which heart-wrenching pieces often emerge ready-to-use.

And finally, to quote Charlotte York, suffering for love is beautiful But, in general, it is healthy to allow yourself to be dominated by emotions, whatever they are.

How many times have you found yourself in a situation of realizing that a relationship is over but not being able to bring closure to it?

Why do we listen to sad music?

We’re Not Totally Sadistic: Even If We Try swing on the emotional swings To feel that little pain and wake it up is the one we choose sad song It’s not because we want to be hurt. opposite of this.

The truth is that we feel the sadness of the song but we also know that sadness it has nothing to do with us, In short, it was not written for us, nor by us, it is not about us. that hinders which acts as a defense on an unconscious level: it triggers emotions, But not that deep. not so personal, The same applies with upbeat music. If we feel uplifted by a song that reminds us of our immense energy then we are great, but deep down we also know that lady gaga we are not, Nor does Katy Perry. unfortunately.

And Why Is Someone Like You by Adele?

when she came out someone like you, first meme about adele is getting rich from our tears, someone like you Makes me cry stop. Although you have nothing and no one to cry, listening to it you go and dig up that decades old memory to justify that cry you feel you have to let out. But in this case there is an explanation Scientist.

Adele’s song, like the author’s, is somewhat rich Leaning: this is a expedient that has magicbecause it connects music, silence and sound in such a way tickle the psyche of the listener, Regardless of the individual reactions which may be more or less intense. We know this because of research done in the 1990s, long before it appeared someone like you: Edited by the English psychologist John Sloboda, who, with an experiment, identified the gaps that are scientifically placed in certain passages, goosebumps, chills and tears,

Well thanks Adele. because even though we are quite capable of trembling on its own Help is always needed.

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