🎥 Bird flu unlikely to reach cetaceans, experts say

In recent days, positive cases of bird flu have been found in two dead sea lions in Punta Piramide on the Valdes peninsula, leading to the closure of a public sea lion habitat on the coast of Chubut.

Apart from Commercial activities that interact with sea lions, such as snorkeling or diving with them and kayaking close to sea lion habitats, are suspended for 15 days.

Doubts have been raised about the spread of the virus and the species it affects within the framework of the natural migration of birds and the movement of marine animals themselves.

Dr. Marcela Uhart, a UC biologist and veterinarian and Madryn resident, spoke with Cotidiano’s Roberto Suárez at LA17 to dispel any misconceptions Doubts about influenza and its spread.

He clarified that the record Infections in cetaceans are rare, and due to interactions between species, contagion is unlikely, Although more research is needed to provide certainty.

The same goes for camelids, such as guanacos, who shrugged off videos that have gone viral in recent days.

The virus is carried by migratory birds, Uhart recalls, and other scavengers can spread the virus to wolves through feces and other fluids.

He asked people to take responsibility for avoiding animals behaving strangely and to report them to authorities immediately.

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