10 Familiar Faces From Black Mirror 6, From Salma Hayek To Josh Hartnett

From Joan the Terrible to Demon 79, the richest season in terms of quality and quantity of interpretations

In recent years, interpretation has shifted its center of gravitymake it disappear clear separation between movies and TV shows which dominated the audiovisual sector. taking into account the evidence that actors Black mirror who competed in the final season are available today at Netflixwe can see how interpretive practice loosened its boundaries by operating a mixture of two universes that have never touched each other so strongly. Participation in television by actors with long and successful careers in the film world is no longer a jewel enjoyed by a few, but rather a practice trusted by many. Since when do actors love Matthew McConaughey (True detective) AND Kevin Spacey (House of cards) and directors of the caliber David Fincher (Mindhunters) expanded their reach by going beyond the big screen and redesigning the serial product, that clear division that contrasted the living room actor with the living room actor disappeared. and we can find the result by parsing one of the platform works that most sought to identify itself as cinematicanthology series that, in 6 seasons, has produced many medium and feature films, juxtaposed with each other, but also used separately, and which, over the course of the seasons, has been able to boast increasingly prominent acting roles.

Also read “Black Mirror”: 6 most famous actors who played in the series

1. Salma Hayek

Salma Hayek cinematographe.it

Already in the first episode of the sixth season of the series, several persons who have made their fortunes in Hollywood and beyond appear. The story told in Joan is terrible insists a lot on the theme of interpretation, through a kind of narrative nesting doll, inside which Salma Hayek the protagonist of the series, which tells about the life of Joan, the main character (Annie Murphy).

2. Michael Cera

Michael Cera among the actors of Black Mirror cinematographe.it

In the same episode Michael Cera (Juno, Developmental delay – meeting my parents) makes a cameo appearance in one of the final episodes, just when an incredible twist shatters the confidence that existed up to that point.

3. Actors of the last season Black mirrorStory by: Ben Barnes

Ben Barnes cinematographe.it

Also Ben Barnesthe face of both movies (The Chronicles of Narnia – Prince Caspian) TV (Western world, Darkness and bones), has a cameo appearance as an actor playing Mac, the protagonist’s lover.

4. Himesh Patel

Himesh Patel among the cast of

Pay the price, this time as part of her partner’s translator, Himesh Patelmovie protagonist Yesterday (Danny Boyle), also appeared in Don’t look up (Adam McKay) e the keeper (Christopher Nolan).

5. Cate Blanchett is also among the actors Black mirror

Cate Blanchett among the cast of

Always inside Joan is terrible comes the most celebrated and surprising part of the entire series: the part Cate Blanchett. Main character Tar Here is the face of another sublevel: where, in fact, Salma Hayek interprets her version of Joan, Cate Blanchett, in turn, is the interpreter of the interpreter in which Hayek sees himself again.

Also read Black Mirror: Charlie Brooker’s ChatGPT comment on the deleted episode: “that’s m…a!”

6. John Hannah

John Hanna cinematographe.it

Also loch henry, the second episode in which a couple of actors already known to most of the actors participate. First John Hannaknown since his debut film, Four weddings and a funeraland for the lead role in Mommy; here we see him as the taciturn and ambiguous Richard King, Stewart’s father.

7. Daniel Portman

Daniel Portman cinematographe.it

Stuart himself, the best friend of the protagonist Samuel (Davis McCardle), is played by Daniel Portmanknown to all fans of the series as Podrick Payne de Game of Thrones.

8. Aaron Paul

Aaron Paul cinematographe.it

But the high expectations for every true serial enthusiast were all for Aaron Paul. One of the most respected performers of his generation, founded breaking Bad and achieved increasingly important cooperation, is the protagonist Overseasthe third episode of the season, in which two astronauts take part in an important space mission while being able to spend time with their loved ones using an avatar with identical facial features.

9. Josh Hartnett

Josh Hartnett among the cast of

Next to Paul we find Josh Harnettan actor who has long been sidelined from the brightest spotlights, despite the huge fame gained in the first decade of the 2000s, thanks to films such as Pearl Harbor AND Black Hawk Down – Black Hawk Down.

10. Also Kate Mara among the famous actors of the last season Black mirror

Kate Mara cinematographe.it
Kate Mara

The last of the participants to be noted is the participation Kate Marafemale face Overseas, as Lana, the wife of the character played by Aaron Paul. American actress, older sister of Rooney Mara (Millennium – men who hate women, Carol), known for several roles in cult series such as American Horror Story AND House of cardsand some important films: Brokeback mountain AND Survivor – Martian.

Read also Black Mirror: 5 best episodes of the first 5 seasons of the series

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