10 Flu Home Remedies That Really Work

High incidence of cases Flu and COVID-19 They put additional pressure on Spain’s medical centers, which have been decrying a lack of staff for months.this seasonal epidemic Influenza A Despite the assurances of experts that currently it is adjusting to expected behavioral patterns, it has already arrived in our country with a strong force early on.

Symptoms of influenza A are similar to those of the common flu. fever Greater than 38° (may exceed 39°), cough Frequent and severe headaches, loss of appetite, overcrowding Nasal, general discomfort and digestive symptoms, e.g. nauseavomiting and abdominal pain.

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Although the best way to prevent the flu is Vaccination Each year, especially for people at high risk, there are several home remedies that can help relieve symptoms. While they don’t cure the flu, they can make us feel better:

  • Moisturizing: The Mayo Clinic focuses on the importance of staying hydrated during the flu. Drinking plenty of fluids can help keep your throat and respiratory tract moist and reduce the chance of dehydration caused by fever. Water is essential, but broths, infusions, and natural juices can also be included.
  • rest: Rest is essential for recovery because the body uses a lot of energy while fighting infection, so rest helps conserve energy and strengthens the immune system.
  • Vitamin C intake: While vitamin C does not prevent the flu, it has been shown to shorten the duration of symptoms. Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and tangerines are natural sources of vitamin C.

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  • Increased ambient humidity: The Mayo Clinic explains that using a humidifier can relieve congestion and coughs. This extra moisture can help make your cough more efficient by relieving congestion in your nose and lungs.
  • steam inhalation: Breathing steam can relieve nasal congestion and sinus pressure. Eucalyptus or peppermint can be added to hot water to enhance the decongestant effect.
  • honey and lemon: Mix honey with lemon and add to a cup of hot water to relieve sore throat and cough. As the Mayo Clinic notes, honey has antibacterial properties that can help soothe irritated mucous membranes.
Dear (Franziska Gabbert/dpa)
  • Herbal tea: Herbal infusions like chamomile, ginger, and peppermint are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and can relieve flu symptoms.
  • chicken soup: Frenadol A traditional home remedy recommended by your own pharmacist, as it not only provides the body with necessary nutrients but also helps to retain moisture. Additionally, its anti-inflammatory effects can relieve symptoms.
  • garlic: Just like chicken soup, the company Frenadol recommends fortifying our diets with garlic, which has been traditionally used to combat flu symptoms due to its antiviral and antibacterial properties.
  • Take a hot bath: They relieve muscle pain and fever. It is important not to use water that is too hot, especially in children, as it can raise body temperature.
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It is important to remember that if symptoms persist or worsen, seek medical attention. Although they make us feel better, Home remedies are not a substitute for medical treatmentEspecially high-risk groups such as young children, the elderly, pregnant women or people with underlying diseases.

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