10 WhatsApp Tricks You Didn’t Know But Will Help You in Your Daily Life

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WhatsApp currently has more than 2.2 billion active users. In fact, it is the most used instant messaging platform in the world, far ahead of Telegram. However, even for those who use it every day, it contains many hidden secrets.We’re sure even you don’t know All the features we are going to mention in this article, so you should pay attention.

For example, if you are one of those people who care about their privacy, you can prevent people who are not in your address book from seeing your avatar. To do this, just click on Settings > Account > Privacy > Profile Photo and select Visible only to numbers you know. It’s that simple.

For your part, you know you can Format text What do you write on WhatsApp? These options are not predefined in chat like they are in an editor (e.g. Microsoft Word), but they are available as follows:

  • italics: Underscores must be used. For example, _Hello_.
  • bold: You must write the word between asterisks. For example, *hello*.
  • strikethrough: In this case, write the text between the verses. For example ~Hello~.

More tips at your fingertips

Now let’s talk about how Disable double Check blue This will notify your contacts that you have read the message. Of course, keep in mind that when you do this, you won’t know if those people have read what you wrote. Specifically, you must click Settings > Account > Privacy > Read Receipts and then click Deactivate.

Photo: WhatsApp launches new features in more than 150 countries (Reuters/Dado Ruvic)

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Another trick you may not know is that you can message someone on WhatsApp You are not registered in the address book yet. To do this, you just need to open your favorite web browser and enter the following URL in the address bar: “https://wa.me/”, followed by the recipient’s phone number and country code (+34 ) situation in Spain. ) This is useful if you think you’ll never talk to that person again.

On the other hand, you may be interested Delete all images, videos and sticker from chat, but you want to keep the text. In this case, follow this path: Settings > Storage & Data > Manage Storage. Next, select the relevant contact or group and click Manage. You can also do the opposite, delete the text and keep the attachment. This way you can save space on your phone’s memory and find what you’re looking for faster.

WhatsApp has some very interesting features that most users don’t know about

We have five unknown tricks for WhatsApp, so We have five left. Let’s take a look at them:

  • Find out who you talk to the most. Follow the path Settings > Storage & Data > Manage Storage again, but this time swipe down the screen. A list will appear, starting with the contacts that take up the most storage space on your device and therefore are the contacts you have the most contact with.
  • Prevent others from listening to voice messages sent to you. To do this, you just press “Play” and immediately hold your phone to your ear. This way, the audio will stop playing through the hands-free speaker and only you can hear it.
  • Create featured messages. Have you ever received an address but had difficulty finding it again after some time? Don’t let this happen to you again by holding the message and then pressing the star icon at the top of the screen. Then, when you reopen the conversation, go to the main menu and click “Featured Messages” to resume immediately.
  • Have your own agenda on WhatsApp. You have two options: create a conversation with yourself by adding yourself as a contact, or use a conversation between you and the person you’ve blocked. This way you can use the app as a notepad.
  • Listen to audio without the sender knowing.You can disable double Check You can use blue if you want, but it’s not required. You can also long-press on an audio file and forward it to a conversation with yourself, as we just discussed. This way you can listen without any worries.

We’re sure you don’t know a lot of them 10 WhatsApp Tips. They will be very useful to you from now on. So don’t hesitate to put them into practice and get the most out of the messaging apps you use the most on a daily basis.

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