12 children with pneumonia; 2 intensive care units

case. According to data from the Ministry of Health, 12 children are currently being treated at the Maternity and Children’s Hospital due to pneumonia.

Maldonado SA

Durango’s Century

The Women’s and Children’s Hospital is treating 12 minor patients with pneumonia, two of whom are in the intensive care unit, while General Hospital 450 has no reports of hospitalizations.

Irasema Kondo Padilla, head of the National Health Secretariat, said that a suspected COVID-19 patient from a rural area was sent to Hospital 450. It was obviously complicated, but after research, COVID-19 was ruled out. Possibility and ultimately no need. detention.

He said that all patients infected with the virus are aged up to 450 years and have mild illness; therefore, we appeal to everyone who has any symptoms, even if they are mild, to call 450 or the mother and child hotline to be able to participate and understand this Seasonal viral infections.

At the Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Kondo Padilla revealed that 12 minors are being treated for pneumonia, but only two of them are currently in the intensive care unit, and the virus problem has not been dealt with in a timely manner. He once again called for timely medical treatment.

Regarding Covid, the SSD head commented that the increase is expected to be greater this quarter than in other years, especially since children will no longer wear masks at home in 2023, whereas in previous years they did not do so due to being at home or using masks. Antibodies are developed and may now affect and produce respiratory problems, including with COVID-19.

Medicines have also been provided and adequate medicines are available in pharmacies of different health centres, clinics or hospitals to treat viral or respiratory problems.

Kondo Padilla, on the other hand, mentioned that the campaign is intensifying to strengthen preventive measures inside and outside the home, but also to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning, which is why people are urged not to use anafres at home.

Saul Maldonado/Durango Century

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