“2023 Mendocino Researchers Competition” Award Ceremony: Mendoza Government Press

Mendoza health researchers will receive financial support to continue the work they do. Selected research topics include cancer, wastewater and its impact on health, and social development issues.

The Ministry of Health, Social Development and Sport will award awards to 10 research teams on Monday the 13th through the Directorate of Research, Science and Technology. The meeting will be held on the fifth floor of the Government House and will be attended by the Chief of Staff, the Minister of University Science and Technology and health authorities.

The selected team are researchers from Mendoza who won after an external evaluation and received financial support to conduct their research.

For ten years, the Ministry has been calling for research projects based on priority lines of interest in the management and care of patients in the Mendoza Health System. It was conducted with funding from the Provincial Health Research Registry.

The goal of the program is to promote health research, the formation of interdisciplinary work teams, and research training to find answers to population health problems, with a focus on people and patients.

Health research is an important public health function. This means that health systems must have these capabilities and actions in place to achieve the central goal of improving population health.

Award-winning project phone number 2023/24

  1. Pregnant women in vulnerable settings: social determinants of health and their association with low birth weight (LBW), 2023/2024. Neonatology Service, Teodoro Schestakow Hospital, San Rafael. Mendoza.
    Director: Genaro Gerbaldo.
    Victor Alberto Barros
    Ana Laura Garcia
    Yesenia Zamira Martinez
    Cynthia Tapia
    Maria Giselavanina Ferreira
    Maria Virginia Sanchez
  2. Prevalence of hepatitis C among cadaveric donors in Mendoza, a retrospective study since 2006.
    Director: Bettiana Nebai Salazar.
    Sandra Romano
    Daniela Aldounat
    Paola Sosa Venturini
    Mariano Vera
    Sethia Salafia
  3. Assessment of health status and quality of care among patients with rheumatoid arthritis in a high-complexity public hospital in the province of Mendoza.
    Director: Facundo Vergara
    Giovanna Marcelo
    Tania Zutara
    Ivana Miranda
    Maria Lourdes Jaffre
  4. Unique characteristics of o-glycosylation in sperm from infertile patients.
    Director: Karina Flores Montero.
    maria celeste ruet
    Facundo Jimenez
    Diego Omar Crouch Russo
    Javiera Fontesilla Escobar
  5. Epidemiological surveillance of wastewater in Mendoza, Argentina: Sars-CoV-2 and antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
    Director: Israel Anibal Vega
    Marcela Amalia Pizarro
    Carlos Esper
    Belen Ortiz
    Maximilian Giraud-Billou
  6. TLR4 receptors are involved in the evolution of renal function in pediatric kidney transplant recipients.
    Director: Patricia Garamuno de Valles
    Valeria Victoria Costantino
    Andrea Fernanda Gil Lorenzo
    Sylvia Raquel Melechuk
    Mariana Gabriella Luna
  7. Searching for predictive biomarkers and molecular targets to optimize treatment strategies for pediatric brain tumors.
    Director: Silvina Beatriz Nadine
    Mariel Fanelli
    Gisela Drago
    Marissa Francisco
    Emmanuel Martinez
    Fernando Dario Cuelo Carrion
    laura gomez
    Analia Redondo
  8. To describe and analyze the trajectories of those retained in Mendoza’s social program registration system between 2008 and 2023.
    Director: Etelvina Flores
    Andrea Cecilia Gomez
    Ana Isabel Correa

Finally, the following projects enjoy continuity benefits for the second year of execution:

1-Inflammatory response markers associated with preterm birth in obese patients.
Director: Miguel Walter Fornes
Leticia Irma Ojeda
Guillermo Occhipinti
2- Study on maternal risk factors and incidence of congenital Chagas disease in Mendoza
Director: Patricia Sylvia Romano
maria christina van real
Constance Guais
Cynthia Rivero
Luciano Lima

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