22 farms and 180 households have their own consumption restricted

Detection of two new bird flu outbreaks, one in Deltebre near Las Olas ponds and the other in Perello, forces Climate Action to actActivate protocol to protect drop A total of 3 were confirmed to be within a 10 km radius of where the infected animals appeared. A case had already been detected in early July and a 30-day quarantine had been imposed on affected and at-risk areas, so the new measures introduced this Wednesday almost overlap with those imposed by the first protocol.

The Conselleria de Acció Climàtica authorities reported that, Bird farms and limited self-consumption experienced a worrying Add 22 and 180Respectively because of the last three cases of bird flu. Two more birds were found to have died from the disease this week, adding to the cases detected in the past three weeks, local media reported. In view of the growing concern about the spread of bird flu, the ministry has taken immediate measures to increase the number of personnel responsible for the control of affected areas. Even so, we’ve clarified that this doesn’t mean hiring new people, but reallocating resources to address the issue.

The government emphasizes that both farms and self-consumption know that they are in the transit area of ​​migratory birds, which Increased risk of exposure to bird flu. Therefore, they ensure that necessary measures are taken and extreme precautions are taken to prevent new cases of contagion in their facilities. “Every time we see an increase in the number of cases of infected wild birds, it forces us to be more vigilant about the situation,” a government spokesman declared. However, they said the situation so far remained within the normal range.

When a bird flu case is detected, a specific protocol is activated within the radius 10 kilometers around the location of discovery infected birds. Poultry farms located in the area must take precautionary measures within 30 days of being notified of the suspicion. Some of these measures include a ban on the use of birds of the order Anseriformes and Ornithiformes as hunting bait, a ban on breeding and keeping ducks and geese with other poultry, and a ban on keeping poultry in areas with fresh air. The series of restrictions are designed to minimize the risk of contagion among farm birds, thereby reducing the spread of bird flu in the region. Authorities urge people to follow the guidelines and guidelines provided to protect the health of the birds and the safety of local residents.

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