26 eye drops recalled from market | Health

Eye drops can be purchased without a prescription or with a prescription and can be used as part of a treatment regimen to treat different conditions that affect our visual health, such as conjunctivitis, cataracts, glaucoma, allergies and dry eye.

Eye drops are considered first-line treatment. The 26 drops were warned and withdrawn due to the discovery of bacterial, fungal, or both contamination.

Most eye infections begin with discomfort, redness, itching, watering, eye discharge, sensitivity to light, blurred vision, and swelling.

It is recommended to stop using any eye drops not prescribed by your ophthalmologist.

In the most severe cases, it can lead to loss of life and require surgical removal of the entire eyeball. For information, you can call 787-781-3020.

These drops are sold primarily as generic brands and are produced by some drugstore chains and other companies. FDA inspections revealed unsanitary conditions at the facility where the eye drops were manufactured and they tested positive for bacteria.

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