3 Great-Tasting Juices to Face Them

Like celery, kion has a rather specific and intrusive taste that not everyone is willing to put up with. But once you experience its skin benefits, you won’t want to give it up.

Its antioxidant capacity is unmatched. It will instantly leave your skin radiant, elastic, refreshed, firm and best of all, without signs of swelling, let alone expression lines.

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Kion not only fights against premature aging and protects collagen, but also has blood-activating, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects; it is very suitable for skin with acne or pimples. We’ve listed 3 juices for you to add to your routine.

KION Watermelon Juice

With summer just around the corner, this juice is perfect for cooling off and enjoying its antioxidant benefits. All you need is 3 cups of diced watermelon, two tablespoons of grated kion and a cup of water, mix it up!

Kion and Orange Juice

This is the ideal juice if you want to start your day with a good dose of vitamin C. All you need is two oranges, a tablespoon of grated kion, and 4 basil leaves to give it a refreshing twist. This preparation will make your skin glow.

Keon and Carrot Juice

If ever there was a special combination for skin, this is it, since both are powerful antioxidants that hide wrinkles. All you need is one beetroot, two carrots, two tablespoons of grated kion and water for flavor. In all three cases, the best thing to do is to consume them right away to enjoy their benefits and avoid oxidation.

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