3 Podcasts You Can’t Miss

Three formats and one great goal: break gender stereotypes. Because it is through culture and through listening that great social changes often occur that improve everyone’s lives and allow us to build a world that never leaves anyone behind.

Here you are three podcast recommendations for those who want to start studying the history of women who have achieved success and understand how to stop feeling less than good.

MorganaMichela Murgia and Chiara Tagliaferri, Storielibere.fm

Today could only be the day when in the column de A turning point First up is a podcast created by the queens of all Morgans: Michela Murgia, whose absence exactly a month later is very noticeable. So, Morganaa format that needs no special introduction, continues with your partner and friend. Chiara Tagliaferri. Yes, because the creator herself, we are sure, would never want this fight against gender discrimination and the path to breaking with stereotypes to be interrupted.

But who is Morgana? Morgana is your sisterwhen at Christmas dinners she is not applauded for her cooking skills, but looked (still too) poorly because she took a different path from expectations. Morgana is your friend, one who very consciously decided to use her body as a tool. And you know, that’s not something you can do. Gentleman. But Morgana is also a motherby choice or not, who tells her daughters before bed how important independence is.

Morgana is you too when you finally get it courage to be yourself and move towards freedom.

“Women’s house is unconventional” So Murgia and Tagliaferri define (intentionally in the present plural) the room in which all these considered strange, dangerous, exaggerated and too unnatural, they undermine Ginger Rogers Syndrome – which socially forces women to do more and more, to do everything that men do, but better, backwards and on their heels.

A podcast, and then two more books, now in its sixth year and almost 50 episodes, which is paying off. release the identities of all the Morgans of the worldfrom Moira Orpheus To Angelina Jolie and Shirley Temple, right down to the seemingly incredible Pippi Longstocking and Mary of Nazareth. And he does it with two great goals: condemn gender discrimination and open the “cage” where until now they were all closed.

FemTalk – Other story.Karen Ricci, One Podcast

“Come on, these are women’s issues”: an activist wants to destroy this prejudice Karen Ricciafter the success of his debut Darling, you are a chauvinist, creates a new format to overcome this sexist culture consists of unwritten rules, which are nothing more than our society.

This is how it was born Fem Talk, a different kind of story. A podcast created by women, for everyone., which puts microphones on topics that are still not talked about enough. Because in a world where men are not only more listened to, but taken seriously, Karen Ricci is making her presence known.

10 meetings on the obstacle course that is life, on a path consisting of expectations, stereotypes AND a gap that needs to be filled, and yet it is difficult to talk about it. Stories about a society in which women suffer from Imposter syndromebecause that is how they teach us to think, and also from increasingly persistent and intractable feelings of inadequacy.

About the days when you feel alone in this battle, and about the days when you look up and realize that you are not.

And so, if at least once you were not so ready for this project that you ultimately abandon it; if you have a breakdown and Burn out but you remained silent because you know le superheroines they can’t afford it; if you are often frightened by the thought that you will not be able to meet social expectations, Fem Talk is here for you.

Fearless womenCarmen Latersa, Librosa

What do they have in common? Cleopatra AND Frida Kahlo? They both did it. Yes, because we highlighted that in the first two podcasts. battleit is also necessary to prove that you can win.

And who is better than the writer and author Carmen Laterza do it? She who speaks every two weeks and gives voice to her Fearless women tells their stories and how each of them got there destroy the male social paradigmovercoming gender prejudices.

Laterza talks about everyone who looked into his eyes stereotypes of its time, defied expectations and reached Liberty. Stories of more or less famous, more or less modern people. Real women. Women modern. Women advanced.

Palutilla Briccifor example, history’s first female architect, who lived in 1600. Amelia Earhart, the first aviator capable of flying solo across the Atlantic in the early 20th century. Or again Elvira Notarithe first Italian director of the 19th-20th centuries.

To date, Laterza has introduced us to a total of 40 women. But not only that, it makes us understand social and time barriers from all over the world and from different cultures, taking us on a journey through the difficulties and contradictions of the different eras in which fearless women lived, and giving us an understanding of how each of them made history.

Podcast cover "November 25"
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