4 exercises to eliminate body laxity and reduce fluid retention

The passage of time is inevitable.Whole body muscle exercise is also important lose firmness. But factors such as diet, alcohol consumption and a sedentary life (lack of physical activity) undoubtedly speed up the process.

The truth is, many people have an annoying feeling swelling The muscles in the abdomen or limbs feel more and more relaxed.

However, there are some exercises that can go a long way in removing body laxity and reducing fluid retention. age is not a problem.

What does it mean to be physically weak?

As we age, people go through a natural process that includes Decreased skin elasticity The fat under the skin can turn into stretch marks, cellulite, or what’s known as “orange peel.”

Exercises to eliminate body slack. They are very effective.Photo: ClarinsExercises to eliminate body slack. They are very effective.Photo: Clarins

The skin becomes more saggy because the fibers that support the skin Loss of collagen and elastin and produce a degradation process. That is, as stated by the Mexican Dermatological Foundation, the skin loses tone and firmness and no longer adapts to the contours of the body.

Why does fluid retention occur?

Refers fluid retention, The Spanish Heart Foundation defines it as an excessive accumulation of fluid in the tissues. This condition is also called “edema.”

Furthermore, the entity states that the main cause may arise from a specific pathology (kidney, liver, circulatory problems or heart failure) or from external causes, e.g. Malnutrition or high temperature, venous dilation.

Exercises to remove body slack and reduce fluid retention

These are four effective exercises from the ABC website and recommended by fitness coaches Esther and Gemma Pineda. healthy Spanish woman, known in sports circles as “Gemelas Pin”:

Body laxity and fluid retention. Squats, classic. Photo: Clarins.Body laxity and fluid retention. Squats, classic. Photo: Clarins.

1) Squats plus biceps. Perform a squat with your legs slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your toes pointed slightly outward. On the way up, raise your arms above your head (you can add weight with dumbbells or a water bottle). Repeat 12 times.

2) Squats and front raises. Use an “imaginary chair.” Pretend to be sitting by leaning your back against the wall and forming a 90-degree angle with your knees. Extend your arms fully overhead. Repeat 12 times.

3) Iron. Get into a plank position and brace your forearms and knees. Support one forearm and hold the dumbbell with the other, stretching it in line with your body (keeping your elbows overhead). Repeat 12 times.

4) Triceps. Stand (legs shoulder-width apart). Lift one knee as high as you can, balancing on one foot on the ground. At the same time, holding the weight of a dumbbell in both hands, extend your arms and bend them back. Then switch legs and repeat 12 times.

care and prevention

before starting any type trainit is important to consult a doctor to assess whether the person is suitable for this, especially if they have any medical conditions or physical limitations.

Body laxity and fluid retention. Healthy eating is key. Photo: Shutterstock.Body laxity and fluid retention. Healthy eating is key. Photo: Shutterstock.

Furthermore, it must be taken into account that any physical activity if supplemented by healthy habits: Eat a healthy diet (stay away from fatty foods, increase your intake of fruits and vegetables), drink water (at least 2 liters per day), avoid or reduce sugary drinks, salt and alcohol, and do not smoke.

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